error penny

  1. IMG_20240210_213559193.jpg


    Off-center strike 1969 s stinken Lincoln
  2. IMG_20240212_152430898.jpg


    1970 s DDO?
  3. IMG_20240212_152920243.jpg


    1970 s DDO possiblity machine DDO?
  4. IMG_20240212_121914204~3.jpg


    Double B on liberty 1970 s Penny
  5. IMG_20240212_152842308.jpg


    Double B on liberty
  6. IMG_20240128_221830868~2.jpg


    1958 machine DDO
  7. IMG_20240128_005854405~2.jpg


    Laminate/planchette/die error?!?
  8. 1986 Penny Struck Several Times

  9. Double Stamped 1966 Lincoln Cent

    In 1966 I found this double stamped 1966 Lincoln cent. The stampings are outdented, so I don't think another kid made it in a garage. I spent a few hours looking online and found nothing like it. A few times I've taken it to coin dealers. Responses went from "it's not worth anything", to "I...
  10. a must see error

    i have had his coin for a while and can not figure out what kind of error this is. Someone said grease on the die. There is nothing on this coin like glue or epoxy and Ext. Definitely a error
  11. 2006 lincon penny need help identifying

    Can someone tell me what this is called on this penny I have no idea and is it it worth anything
  12. [B]Zinc penny in one loose roll worth $120 or as much 4 or 5 oz of silver![/B]

    Zinc penny in one loose roll worth $120 or as much 4 or 5 oz of silver! I found this coin a few months ago but never had time to post it on Treasurenet, and I wanted try to scan it, but never got any quality scans from the library's copier I got only two rolls of cents from the bank, in the...
  13. 1926?? penny

    Hi All! so, I'm new to this site. I normally don't talk with people online, but I'm at a loss and figure other coin collectors have got to be fun people! :thumbsup: So, I came across a penny while going through my coins. now, its a wheat penny and the year says -- 19 but the 2 is upside down...
  14. what is the price?

    while i was looking through my pocket change i noticed a penny that had about 80-85% of the clad missing i know it is an error i just want to know the price (it is a 1994 d)
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