error cent

  1. IMG_20240210_213544728~2.jpg


    Off center strikes stinken Lincoln 1969 s
  2. IMG_20240117_152137912.jpg


    Flip dbl strike (duff?)
  3. Rare 1969 D???

    Hello all, I was coin roll hunting and found this 1969 d Penny. It has drastic rim doubling, more on the front than on the back. I just wish that it was in better shape and didn't have that ding on the obverse right side. Ive been told that 1969 D without the FG on the reverse can be worth...
  4. 1917 D Cracked Die

    Hello, all. I found this in a MWR from a sealed bank box. It appears to me that I have a 1917 small cent with a cracked die going from the edge through the date. Any comments? Thank you.
  5. Double Stamped 1966 Lincoln Cent

    In 1966 I found this double stamped 1966 Lincoln cent. The stampings are outdented, so I don't think another kid made it in a garage. I spent a few hours looking online and found nothing like it. A few times I've taken it to coin dealers. Responses went from "it's not worth anything", to "I...
  6. WHAT ON EARTH is wrong with my penny?!

    So I found this 1965 canadian penny... but what is wrong with it?! And error?! It looks almost fine on the front... but on the back it say liberty and has a curved dent in it! Could it be that a u.s. penny got pressed into it??? HELP ME!!!!
  7. a must see error

    i have had his coin for a while and can not figure out what kind of error this is. Someone said grease on the die. There is nothing on this coin like glue or epoxy and Ext. Definitely a error
  8. 2006 lincon penny need help identifying

    Can someone tell me what this is called on this penny I have no idea and is it it worth anything
  9. Are my error coins good enough to put in auction? What kind of errors are these?

    Okay so I found a few pennies that I want to know about.. I have a 1992 with a 1980 something date stamped in Lincolns head... a 1994D with a warp or something.. & a 1977 with a smashed rim? I am basically looking for a second opinion on these before I send them in. Are they going to be worth...
  10. [B]Zinc penny in one loose roll worth $120 or as much 4 or 5 oz of silver![/B]

    Zinc penny in one loose roll worth $120 or as much 4 or 5 oz of silver! I found this coin a few months ago but never had time to post it on Treasurenet, and I wanted try to scan it, but never got any quality scans from the library's copier I got only two rolls of cents from the bank, in the...
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