
  1. 1890's Blob Top Beer Bottles, Pictorials, etc. (March 15th 2023)

    Got out today during a strong wind storm. The wind and waves washed away all the silt and exposed many old bottles to the surface. Here are some of today's finds: S. Liebman's Sons Brewing Co. Christian Wagners Sons: Obermeyer and Liebmann's Minck Bros. & Co. (8oz): Minck Bros &...
  2. River Hunt Finds

    River Hunt Finds

    Some finds from a river.
  3. ✅ SOLVED Coke bottle question.

    I have this 8 oz, glass, coke bottle that appears to be vintage. The problem is that it has a expiration date from 2008 on it. I did research on 8 oz glass coke bottles from 2008, and could not find this kind. Can you can return used bottles to the manufacturer, and they refill them, or is this...
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