
  1. 6E482204-D67A-4275-B5F3-A84B3E13892A.jpeg


    Silver earring
  2. Kiera CZ925 VN Earring

    Howdy folks, I found this a few days ago. Eyeballed it just sittin' on the ground. The inside of it reads KIERA C(Z, or possibly 2)925 VN. Since 925 usually means sterling I'm assuming it is probably gold plated silver? What about the CZ or C2? Thank you and happy hunting!
  3. ✅ SOLVED Mangled SILVER square thing?!

    Hello. I found this thing at a middle school by a basketball court by my house. I believe it's silver... not totally sure. WHAT IS IT?! It might be part of an earring or necklace or something.
  4. Metal Detecting America | Episode 13 (The Beach)

    Im sorry i lost most of the clips from this hunt it was a few months ago and i did make some good finds which are in the wrap up video thank you so much for checking it out and i hope you enjoy the video!
  5. Possible Diamond Stud Earring?

    Hi all, I found this little earring yesterday on a Boston north shore beach yesterday. It was so small that my pinpointer (Garrett Pro Pointer AT) was having some difficulty regularly finding it in the sand. It was intermittent like a small piece of foil. Imagine my surprise when a diamond...
  6. GP 925 and some bling makes the outing fun !

    Found three rings today one looks to be decent the other two are kids rings. Photos of the GP 925 ring. The rest of todays finds minus the mystery item. Todays mystery item, seems to be a rattle or percussion noise maker. The copper is very brittle. Hope you all are getting some hunt...
  7. Learning my AT Pro - Check out My Finds (First Gold!!!)

    I've been enjoying the MD hobby now for about 2 months and the more I get out there, the more comfortable I get with the AT Pro. I'm finally at a point where I can hear a signal and pretty accurately guesstimate what it's going to be when I pop it out of the dirt. This is how it's been going...
  8. First Ring of the Year

    Spent the afternoon MD'ing an old park. A bunch of clad coins, 1 bent foreign coin, and a nice silver ring and earring...plus a plated hoop
  9. Nothing much, but one amazing stroke of luck!

    Sunday's finds (sorry, just getting around to posting now) in the image below. About $1.07 in clad, a jackknife, some Hot Wheels and other junk, but...... managed to find the missing companion to the earring found last weekend while hunting with JohnT! - El Bandito
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