
  1. Rockford Dairy Company Bottle Info?

    I found this Rockford Dairy Co. milk bottle while metal detecting an old dump site. It says sealed with an inverted 48 on the reverse side and a 27 on the bottom. I cannot find any info. on the company or any value info. on the bottle. Anybody know anything about them?
  2. Hitting the back roads.

    Today was a nice day and I decided to hit some back roads without a plan or destination. First I made a turn onto a dead end road where I spotted an old pump in a field and a narrow gate next to some old stuff hanging on a barbed wire fence. I made a hot lap around a tree and small grassy...
  3. Dump Finding!

    I recently found a dump but the drive is a little much. It is in Central NY and I am upstate. I am willing to exchange info for something a little closer to Saratoga/Schenectady/Albany County. Found lots of nice finds in the dump I currently go to...Milks, poisons, blobs, you name it...
  4. found 1914 R.I. auto tag

    Found 1914 Rhode Island auto tagI work on a tug that goes to Boston a lot, years ago I found this old dump site from the 1800s till the about 1950s on the edge of a creek when the tide goes out all the treasures come out. this is one of my finds a 1914 R.I. auto tag, I could get a truck load of...
  5. Found 1914 Rhode Island auto tag

    I work on a tug that goes to Boston a lot, years ago I found this old dump site from the 1800s till the about 1950s on the edge of a creek when the tide goes out all the treasures come out. this is one of my finds a 1914 R.I. auto tag, I could get a truck load of stuff there at low tide, Last...
  6. Starting to get paranoid, I need some words of wisdom from you CRHers

    Hey guys and gals. I just came back from my "lunch" which is really just becoming a coin roll hunting mission. What I do on these missions is go to one bank to dump, then go to another to get coin, then another to dump, etc.... I go to a total of 3 dump branches of my bank per day on an average...
  7. Excuses!

    I think it would be an interesting topic (funny and maybe a bit helpful) to hear some of your excuses used to dump your coinage. Real or fake excuse are free to be posted but please differentiate between them. Also if you got a story on whether it worked or not, please share that as well. HH.
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