
  1. Drilling/Boring Companies

    Hey guys. I work in documentary development and am wondering if any drilling/boring companies out there are also searching for treasure (other than the Oak Island guys). Let me know if you have a lead!
  2. Rock Drill Care and Feeding

    I picked up a pair of Chicago Pneumatic drills that I'm in the process of rebuilding. I'll probably do a Mining Journal article on this at some point. Does anyone have any pneumatic tool tips that they would like to share? I'd never taken one of these units apart before, and I was surprised...
  3. Any core drilling experts on here?

    Hey guys, I managed to get a small diamond drill for really cheap and I want to use it for placer gold testing. What I want to do is take core samples of alluvial material (gravel, glacial till, soil, overburden) and to sample the bedrock for a foot or two. The drill that I have is called a...
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