
  1. Dryland Dredging Nozzle, This thing works pretty well!

    This is my first full run with 4" dryland dredge nozzle. You will need a big pump to run this thing. Figured out how to make it productive.
  2. Gold Veins Arrowheads and Prospecting for GOLD!

    Hey guys. Prospecting might be the best thing to do in these uncertain and germ-y times! Fresh Air, no crowds and GOLD! Let's go Prospecting:3barsgold: Today we're in Southern Colorado. I show and explain some of the key features I look for while out finding gold veins and arrowheads. I'm...
  3. A Golden Cure for Cabin Fever!

    Hey guys, as cabin fever really starts to set in, let this video take you back to the Good Golden Days! It took a few hundred hours of prospecting but I finally found the paystreak! Just 2 weeks after this dredge trip we had ice on the water. We are still currently buried by around 3ft of...
  4. Dredge pump for home made dredge

    Ok I'm building a new dredge . My question is has anyone ever thought about a double suction centrfugel pump on a dredge ? I only want one engine one pump to carry but want the power of 2 pumps. So why not a double suction centrafugal pump I ask .well as far as I can tell they don't exist in...
  5. Amateur Prospector and Inventor Here!

    Hey guys! Been binge watching gold prospecting videos for WAY too long, and decided to give it a go. I've gotten pretty good, but given my location, there really aren't any good places to pan for gold. My YouTube channel has more, but is not geared specifically toward prospecting...
  6. Equinox 600 or 800 and black sand ?

    Any NOX 600 or 800 guys or ladys out there use there NOX to find concentrations of black sand to prospect with highbanker/sluice/drywasher/dredge? it could cut down on time sampling. Or does anyone know if it can even be set to not discriminate out the black sands? I am going to get a 800 and...
  7. 2017 - which ELECTRIC trash pump - battery??? mini highbanker into dredge

    Dear All, i have ordered my piglet mini high-banker, however, i have absolutely no knowledge on the ELECTRIC trash pump - i have been reading a lot on the website BUT many post seems a bit old. my question for my fellow prospectors, miners, dudes is: If i want to run my mini high-banker with...
  8. (WA state) I have a dream! ...but are the hoops worth it?

    I'm trying to do research on the Laws in Washington state for where you can run a mechanized dredge...but it is very convoluted. Currently not working and would love to have something fun that rewards you immediately for your hard work and good planning. Gold dredging seems to fit the bill...
  9. T

    Gold Placer observations from a gold Bullion Dealer and Federal Claim owner

    Im lucky enough to be a miner and a refiner. Dealing with bullion products and metal recycling, I also see things from the selling and buying public perspective. A lot of talk this summer was about the shortage of silver blanks to make bullion product, but that seems to easing with only the...
  10. It works, Mini Highbanker / Dredge

  11. Shaw veranda carpet alternatives

    The green veranda carpeting by Shaw is no longer being manufactured. Is there any good alternative to the veranda?
  12. Gold dredge works?

    Who knows the http://www.golddredgeworks.net and the http://www.golddredgeworx.com/ products?
  13. Older Keene Dredge need help please

    I found an older model 4 inch keene dredge online but I am not sure about it. Does anyone know if they are as good as new ones? What are the downsides? Are they: heavier or less likely to retain fine gold? It has an 8hp Briggs and stratton engine and a keene 4x3 pump. New 4 inch dredges come...
  14. Gould Bazooka Dredge

    I am seriously considering buying a 4 inch gould bazooka dredge and was wondering if anyone here has any experience with it? The main reason I want it is that it is portable with the ability to process as much as a 4 inch dredge can. I read a few postings on a few websites but you can never get...
  15. Why has NO ONE posted this?! Siskiyou County will NOT prosecute Dredgers!

    Ok, so I have known about this for about 2 weeks now and I am surprised that no one has posted it here yet. In short, Siskiyou County is back open for dredging! This does not guarantee that you wont get a ticket, but the DA will NOT prosecute you. So at worst you are out time and small court...
  16. Ohio Slacker!

    Hey everyone! I have been slacking on editing my videos and haven't had time to share them with ya..I have 3 up now but one more coming.. We met up with a bucnh of people from WV, OH and PA had a great time, and everyone got some color! We went to Southern Ohio to Bills Pure Gold Prospecting...
  17. Gold dredging underwater for GOLD!

  18. Oregon Dredging - Where can I go thats open?

    Heya everyone; Now that I have a dredge, its time to start planning some trips to Oregon but I have no clue where to go or how things work up there. I do know that permits were limited last year but are all streams that Salmon are found in still off limits all year round? Does that mean that...
  19. new member and looking for work

    Hey I'm new my name is Cameron and in short I'm here to learn and maybe find some work or a partner I'm interested in diving for a dredge or running a high banker but im open to anything....I hope to soon own and run my own equipment but until that day I would like be part of a small crew that...
  20. kickistarter for a rov dredge looks interesting

  21. Looking for dredge business partner

    My Name is Moctar, Im located in Mali, the third larger producer gold in African continent. I need dredging partner. Im in gold business in Mali now 4 years and dredging is now very popular here. With high quantities of gold deposit in malian rivers (Niger, Faleme, Bagoe and others), people are...
  22. Building a dredge, welcome comments and suggestions.

    Ok so I am new to the forum and new to gold dredging. I see everyone says to buy there first dredge and I'm not, so save it please.. One of my employees has worked for a dive company and done alot of commercial dredging and built venture jets for there dredges. I live in Maine where we can...
  23. Final Draft from TDEC on the Tennessee recreational prospecting permit

    I am trying to get this out for everyone to see! We hope to have a petition soon for everyone to sign. If it happens in our state then the surrounding states are sure to follow!! Please go to the Coker Creek GPAA 2014 Tennessee Recreational Prospecting Permit Final Draft. for more information...
  24. So Where the hell can I go now to get my dredge on?

    Well California's gravel transfer loophole has been killed. Oregon is only allowing 850 dredge permits per year and I didn't get one. Where can I go (with decent gold) where I will not have a hard time getting a permit. Either I am going to have to go gorilla style this summer or I need some...
  25. Mouthwatering Gold !!!!! Our Highbanker Clean out from the river

    A Buddy and I went to the river friday 10 hours of Work .... and a bunch of dirt later... a few pickers and lots of flake . Building a new Highbanker / Dredge .. hope to get lots more nuggets next time.... going back out in a few weeks ....
  26. 1200GPH electric water pump enough?

    I first started gold panning about one year ago and moved up to a homemade sluice box but never could get any gravel from the deep pools in some local creeks. I looked up how to make a simple hand pump for gravel but it just wasn't fast enough so I decided to make a suction dredge. I'm wondering...
  27. Prospecting in Western Washington (Infinium, GMT, Hookah, Gold Cube, ATV, and Dredge)

    Hello all! I am Geology Student at Western Washington University about to earn my BS this fall. I spent my last few summers gold panning and sluicing around King County, where my parents live. I’ve been collecting quite a few gadgets for gold prospecting off of Craigslist, here is what I have...
  28. The Battle with the EPA in Idaho Has Begun

    I wrote a letter to congressman Simpson today. I Will be writing the Governor next. See the following: Dear Rep. Simpson, I am writing you today to express my concern with the EPA overstepping our Great States sovereignty and imposing regulations upon recreational miners that have been...
  29. New to dredging

    So I just bought a 3" dredge that needed some work, and I almost have it running, and I only need to build the pontoons as well. But I keep reading stuff online that they may ban dredging in Oregon? I know there's already one in affect in California, so the closest i can go is oregon, does...
  30. I traded my Gold Bug Pro for a Proline Mining 3" Dredge / HighBanker Combo - WooHoo!

    I traded my Gold Bug Pro for a Proline Mining 3" Dredge / HighBanker Combo - WooHoo! Heya everyone; Today I scored a very nice Proline Mining 3" Dredge / HighBanker Combo with a 3-wheel cart to go with it. :goldtrophy: I traded my Gold Bug Pro for it and am very happy. Dont worry, I am going...
  31. How much would you pay for a California legal dredge?

    Heya everyone; I wanted to ask a simple question. How much would you pay for a California legal dredge? Lets just say that you could have a 100% legal dredge but it had to be fully underwater, electric and limited to no larger than a 1.5" hose. Run time would be 2 hours non stop dredging, use...
  32. Seeking female dredge team member for upcoming reality show in Honduras

    Female dredge team member wanted for upcoming reality show in Honduras Please see The wild west is back in new gold mining reality show | River Gold You need to be in good physical condition (cardio), relatively fearless and be open to rustic living conditions. Being natural and relaxed in...
  33. New sluicebox design help!???

    Hey guys, I have a question. I have a royal 30" sluice box and was wanting to make a homemade highbanker with a recirculating water supply using a 1000gph pump in my garage. My question is... I think 30" isnt going to be quite long enough for the material to travel without losing some gold in...
  34. Waterous Floto-Pump Floating Fire Pump - Any good for dredging?

    Heya everyone; I would like to go up to Oregon next year so I have been thinking about a Dredge. A friend has a Waterous Floto-Pump in awesome shape for sale ($400) and I was wondering if this would be good for a dredge. I think it is the standard version which is the 8hp motor and the...
  35. is anyone in NC that knows a couple of good spots to go dredging

    I just moved to NC and im looking for some places to go dredging that i wont have to pay for. if anyone wants to go dredging with me hit me up.
  36. Looking for people to go dredging with and help finding a good place to dredge in NC

    I'm in Hope Mills NC and im looking for people that want to go dredging. I am also new to the area and im looking for some advice on were to go.
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