"Quantum frequency conjoiners", AKA "Dowsing rods", is what I use.
They conjoin to, and indicate active Quantum frequencies! Not all frequencies are active..
I'm not going to patent them, I could.
They are special, custom made, 20 yrs of dowsing experience.
It does take 2 rods, one in each hand...
Hey there, fellow dowsers!
I've been thinking a lot about dowsing for gold lately, and I'm curious to hear your thoughts. I've been told that it's not recommended to dowse for buried gold because multiple targets can interfere with each other's signals, leading to false readings.
Do you agree...
The best book of Dowsing you have reading
Which book you recommend?
Here is the one i choose:
El Pendulo: Técnicas sencillas de radiestesia
Werner Giessing
This book is for beginners
I'm looking to gather a few highly-skilled dowsers who are interested in applying their dowsing skills to various areas like finding the characteristics of subatomic particles, looking for vitamin/mineral deficiencies, and a few other fields. Is anyone interested?
What a day! We locate 2 veins. I show you how we find gold veins⛏
Prospecting for gold ore can be tremendous fun and rewarding if you know what to look for.
Rock types, geologic features and subtle clues can help lead you to the gold🕵️*♀️
What is your take on dowsing?
Hey guys check out this article about dowsing and some of the science behind it.
I know it's been discussed quite a bit on this forum. This article lists several scientific studies on dowsing and talks about some of the principles.
Saw the dowsing rods under my truck seat and couldn't help but give it a shot.
I actually have some faith in dowsing rods for certain things but this is the first time I tried to locate detectable gold with them.
Do we have any real success stories out there?
Got one sweet find this trip!
Good evening, how to do localization of lost objects with the dowsing has some video monsters this technique because I would like to learn how to use this technique that can help me.
Good evening, friends of the forum need another help for these two researches I will go to this area on 01/07.
The areas are of an old sugar mill and have a lot of history since I thank you.
DOWSE MASTER products sets the precedent for Dowsing & LRL products with a limited FREE trial, and a Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee for two of their new, Low cost, Dowsing & LRL products, soon to be on the market.
As far as I know, no manufacturer in the LRL industry has ever before...
Some of the best things are the ones you make ( for cheap) even if it is just a coat hanger,
all coat hangers are not the same.
just bought a pair of L - rods from a company.
and they worked well until I took them into the ocean then they got sticky; because they have the "sealed" bearings...
So I've been researching map dowsing & the ancient & modern techniques. I'm not 100% convinced about the whole theory behind map dowsing yet. Would any of our members with dowsing success like to try out their skills and make me a believer?? I've attached some photos of an area I'm currently...
Boa noite, seguindo o conselho do meu amigo Red_desert para buscar mapas de região com cultura com cana de açúcar segui aqui estes 3 mapas da mesma cidade e tem outros locais dessa mesma cidade foi a primeira capital do meu estado e tem muita historia de senhor de engenho depois irei postar...
Olá! Boa noite, pessoal esse é o meu primeiro poster nesse fórum e estou precisando de ajuda para caça ao tesouro pois onde moro tem muita historia de tesouros e botijas enterradas segui a baixo algumas imagens para que puder mim ajudar através do dowsing ficarei muito grato: Laughing7:
Any help would be much appreciated. Note to Red Desert: I had dug at that spot where the money had been doused yesterday but had come up empty handed so I thought I'd go for something a little different and search out an actual cache like you had mentioned (that it is better to search out...
Supposedly there is supposed to be a large quantity of buried paper currency in some kind of container or box buried in one or more spot's on this map. I had checked 3 different spot's on the map (with my L rod's in the field) but so far have came up empty handed and was possibly hoping for some...
Dowsing Help Wanted for silver or gold bars, coins or jewelry.
Hi Ho! I've been practicing dowsing with my homemade L-Rods for about a year. I use a rose Quartz pendulum as well.
I typically use them to find my lost keys or remote control or the wayward book in my home. Now I want to venture...
Just picked up a newish book in my local library that has received many good reviews on Amazon. The Diviner: The inspiring true story of a man with uncanny insight and the ability to heal eBook: Joe Cassidy: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store
Its available on Kindle and of course relates to the wider...
Hi all,
haven't been on Tnet for a while. Some life-changing distractions.
Saw this in a recent email and thought it might be of interest to some of you. Mods, please note, one version of this IS electronic but it is not an LRL. It is not claiming that the electronics finds anything. Rather...
This is my first time here posting photos. I never had used this method of dowsing photos, but I would like to try and learn how does works. I would need somebody makes some dowsing on those pictures.
(I would like to know is there gold placers in the pictures and how deeply? Is there any...
I have a false color satellite mineral map of an alteration zone that I believe is where the Lost Dutchman Mine is located. The alteration zone is 5 miles long and almost a mile wide so that's 5 square miles that need to be searched in a very hellish area. This lode deposit was formed in a...
I have a false color satellite image of a large alteration zone that I believe is where the Lost Adams Diggings is located. The image parameters were validated using the Ortiz and Vulture mine fields. The main alteration zone is 15 miles long and the erosion area is almost two miles wide so...
Hello friends! Well two days ago, my dad told me about dowsing. I had never really heard about it, just about people finding water with sticks. So I started looking into it. I seen people dowsing photos of areas, and it really intrigued me. I believed! Which I believe is very important. So...
The invisable dowsable signals, relate to, by the Earths Magnetic field, at the location, and at the time of the dowse. All the Molecules that make up all animate objects have their own North and South poles. As the Earths Magnetic field changes, the Molecules follow the change. Just like when...