display case

  1. Are These Safe to Store Coins

    I found these coin display cases online where you can suspend your coin in between 2 thin sheets of plastic. I think they look great but have heard a few people complain about storing your coins in plastic, specifically plastic with PVC. I was wondering whats your thoughts on the safety of...
  2. Some of my display cases.

    I figured I post some of the display cases that I have put together in the past few months. These are all from different sites from across the Western Territories. I am moving away from the Riker cases as I find they take up too much room and are rather boring to look at. I just changed my...
  3. Display cases made from 200 year old nails I dug from Historical Tavern

    Well folks here they are. Display cases made out of solid oak and 200 year old historical tavern nails $150.00 plus shipping and handling .Offering 3 different back grounds, brass screen (featured), copper, or bronze wave. All boxes are hand built custom by me and feature lighted top, 2 glass...
  4. How to: Display Cases

    I have a question. How do you guys display your finds? I'v been detecting for about six months now and I absolutely love it. I was always into being outdoors and I love history so much, I would do countless hours of research on the internet about certain history events, and topics, but anyways I...
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