
  1. Two Silvers in the Slot

    Was picking up my breakfast bagel from the grocery store this morning when I spied a little surprise in the coin star. In the return slot there was one 1941 wheat cent, one 2006 Euro Cent, one 1997 Roosevelt dime, and two silver 1964 Roosevelt dimes. Then I found in the coin tray up top one 2006...
  2. Earn a little CASH with u.s. dimes???

    Hello there. I live in Canada so was wondering if I had a bunch of u.s. dimes from roll hunting wether I could trade them in at a bank and earn a little since they are worth more than our dimes. Do they do this or should I go somewhere else? Right now a roll of u.s. dimes would be worth about 6...
  3. I'm oFISHally HOOKED!!!

    This is my first official coin roll hunt. I looked through my mom's and sisters change and found 5 old coins and one clipped one... 5 were silver. That was quite awhile ago. Today I got ten rolls of dimes and five of the rolls were really old rolls. On my third roll, out popped this nice 1967...
  4. 1968 S Penny Found!!!

    In my pocket change from a fast food restaurant!!! Are they rare???
  5. Wife's CoinStar find

    My wife used to tease me about checking the Coinstar machines whenever we went out shopping and today i come in from work and she runs in and says "look what I got", hands me a 1936 mercury and a 1951 and 1965 Rosie dimes. Needless to say, I think she's hooked now.
  6. Bag of dimes

    I talked with my bank a few weeks ago and they were willing to sell me the bag of dimes from their coin machine when it was full. Today they called and I am going to get it soon. It has 6 to 8 weeks worth of dimes. Perfect timing too as I planned on buying a box to search while I watch football...
  7. ❎ SOLD ~~~FIRST EVER TreasureNet Mercury Dime AUCTION!!~~~ Ends 12/6/13 8pm EST

    Figured I would try something a little different... Up for auction is 200 Mercury Dimes 90% SILVER (4 rolls) $20 face value. All dimes are circulated, some in better condition a few in worse condition (no culls/slicks). There is a mixture of dates and mint marks, several from the teens and...
  8. Coinstar silver.

    Today at Shaws I got about 50 foreign coins and two USA silver dimes (1963,1952d) in the the Coinstar reject tray. Thanks,
  9. ❎ SOLD $50 Face (500) Roosevelt 90% silver dimes

    see: http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/coin-roll-hunting/386166-got-some-coins-sale.html
  10. Pair of dimes, pair of knives.

    I may have to change my user name to Butter... 'cause I'm on a roll. I found two more silver dimes today, the more impressive of the two being the 1918 Mercury. Yeah, they are just dimes... but it sure makes me smile to see some silver in the hole, after endless pennies. Not that pennies are bad...
  11. The mother of all CWR pickups

    all from one bank that stocks 'em up over weeks and weeks. all different looking wrappers and such, some older most newer. Total: $820 in quarters, $980 in dimes, $98 in nickels, and $36 in pennies. First quarter roll had a 1964!!! Those things are easier to find in the ground than they are...
  12. Better late than never, last weeks finds

    Last week I went through 675$ in dimes and 80$ in nickels. Here's what I found: In the dimes, I found 1x silver dime(1954) Nothing else that I kept besides 2 pennies. In the nickels, I found 1x war nickel(1944) 3x 30's nickels 10x 40's nickels(11 if you count the war nickel) 15x 50's...
  13. first find as new hunter!

    Went through 4 brink's boxes of dimes and nothing but got 2 N.F. string & son Wrapped dimes and first box I got 4 silver dimes! 3 1964 Rosie's and 1 1963 Rosie. So happy! Also decided I don't like brinks boxes. Haha
  14. A Mercury Dime in the Teens and MY FIRST GOLD From CRH...

    I bought a bag of dimes to go through today. The manager was nice enough to pull it off of the machine early for me today before it was full ($857). In going through it I found three silver dimes. Two were Roosies (1960 + 1964), and the other was a Merc with the date so worn that it is difficult...
  15. Pretty Good (and Pretty Weird) Day Hunting Dimes and Nickels Yesterday...

    I have been getting barely anything from halves boxes since the beginning of the year (one or two here and there) so I decided to just go on an all out dime hunt yesterday. I stopped at five different banks and picked up a total of six dime boxes. I also picked up a box of nickels for fun. (I...
  16. Two Silver Roosies and The End of an Era...

    Afternoon Fellow Hunters, I went to one of my best producing banks today to pick a box of dimes they were saving for me. As I was there being helped by the vault teller, two different people were cleaning out their safe deposit boxes for good. I asked the teller what was going on and she said...
  17. Second time CRH!

    OK so today I went to my first bank and they wouldn't sell me any halves so I went to 4 other banks the second I found 5 40% out of two rolls. The third I found a 1943 walking liberty Benjamin Franklin half and 1 40$ out of two rolls. The fourth I found 3 40%s out some loose coins. And the last...
  18. $40 of Halves and $115 of dimes rssults

    I searched through $40 dollars of halves and found 8 1964s all in one roll very exciting. The $115 of dimes where less lucky I found only 1 1961 dime. By the way this was my very first time coin roll hunting so I'm very happy
  19. How I got silver from another person at the coin counter today for free

    This has worked for me several times and I am just sharing what I think is a decent piece of advice on getting more silver in your pocket when you notice another customer at the coin counter has it and doesn't know or care. The story: Teller is helping another customer to dump their coin jug...
  20. Weekly for Weaselbrott (7 boxes of halves, 1 boxes of dimes, and $800 cwr)

    I had a very disappointing week for halves indeed. Out of 7 boxes of halves and about 300 in [skunk] customer wrapped halves, I only got 2 90%ers, and 3 40%ers for the whole week. Some stampless and some 4-digit stamped string&son boxes. Out of 1 box of dimes and about $500 in customer wrapped...
  21. Coin Roll Hunting Styles, Techniques and Pitfalls

    I've been around the CRH scene for a few months now, and have been a lurker of the scene since 2009. In that time, I have noticed there are a few different techniques that the pros use to get silver, and some pitfalls to them. I will list what I see, and feel free to post yours. 1. High volume...
  22. A week in finds

    A week in coin roll hunting finds (3 boxes of halves, 2 boxes of dimes, and mixed customer wrapped rolls). 2.46oz of .900 silver. A current melt value of $85.47 (as of 9/22/12). I will be heading to two new bank branches in the next town over and hope to score some CWRs today, then I am...
  23. Lightning does strike twice, hit the jackpot part II (with story and pics)

    I hit the motherload recently if you haven't already seen my post from the other day. Well brethren, I started my morning with a $1000 search of half boxes (my girlfriend searched $400 of that with her cash, and I searched $600 with mine, and I searched 370 in dimes. Also, I went back to the...
  24. My Finds In Pictures: Weaselbrotts Ongoing Coin Roll Hunting Diary

    My Finds In Pictures: Weaselbrott's Ongoing Coin Roll Hunting Diary This summer 2012, I started the coin roll hunting seriously. I signed up for a dump bank account to use their coin counter for the hobby that was soon to ensue. Upon dumping coinage over the many visits, this is what I found in...
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