detecting finds

  1. First outing at new permission gives nicely !

    Today I went detecting at my new permission. This recovery find ( ) opened up some new detecting sites for me. Found these two nice old coins there! The sandy soil there is certainly very mild...
  2. Whats that smell me heartys ?

    Last couple of short hunts finds here, had a potentially smelly surprise along with some screwdriver sign-age ! I like it when the unusual items turn up while detecting :hello2: Also got a Wheat Cent and a little silver heart. Not sure of its age, maybe hand cut one friend suggested, hard to...
  3. Apple Gadget found plus a key !

    Looks like a few people had some frustration, but it wasn't for me it made my hunt interesting vs dull :metaldetector: :headbang: The Apple gadget looks like some sort of music player, bet someone hit a few sour notes when it was lost . And good luck driving your motorbike home with no key...
  4. A nice foreign silver + some variety =)

    Got a nice foreign silver today! It has a little stain from when there was grass around it and given that it was deposited close to a watery environment, I think its still in fairly nice condition. I like all silver in any shape or form :headbang: :metaldetector: :treasurechest: Here is the...
  5. A little play money and mystery item.

    Got a little play money (aluminum) on my last hunt and it sure was not easy to find, had a 12 type light bulb socket and a few other misc items all right together including one of the mystery domes and a blob of lead that must have weighed in at 6 ounces. Think I have found three of the domes at...
  6. Got a Buffalo Nickel and a metal adjuster part of some sort..

    The Buffalo nickel a 1929 (dates hard to read but there) was unexpected read out a pretty repeatable 12 on the ETracs conductive scale, was around 6 inches down. Got a few clad and other nick knacks out there but on the way back to my truck I dug what was a low 30 -31 signal and got the mystery...
  7. Dynamic Duo or a couple of keepers !

    Was able to get out for a short hunt this evening in some of the just rained on sandy ground. Found another silver coin, always a welcome find! It was about three inches down and nestled between a couple of trash items but the 6 inch Treasure Seeker coil , did not miss its scent ! The...
  8. Surprise from the roaring 20s!

    Today it was extremely humid outside and in spite of my head wrap cloth and trying the head shake on occasion to keep the sweat from my glasses still had to stop several times and towel off my eyes and glasses. They had mowed some area that I had been wanting to hunt so I went out and was...
  9. Variety Day !

    The first good target of the day was this awkwards looking multi-tool. I had all-ready filled my pouch up once with dug up crushed aluminum cans by the time this happened. Ran into a nice coin spillage in about a ten by ten foot area. Little ways away I found someones lost keys and then a Net...
  10. First actual silver coin with the new 6 inch coil !

    It sounded off really sweet, almost had an idea this was a better than average signal. Sure enough it was ! Also got a weird key says "Winfield" and "This side up" , no clue here on what type of equipment it went to, hope someone knows out there ? Think this was a pretty good hunt, to me any...
  11. Little lost "Teddy" saved & some clad plus weird chain.

    Heres todays totals: Not sure how the little chain was worn it read 08 on conductive ETrac. Any ideas ? Ring read out like a copper cent. Rings inner marking: Hope you enjoyed visiting , better hunts to ya !!

    Minelab Go-Finds are here!!!!! Minelab Go-Finds are here!! Put your pre order in so we can get it to you ASAP!!:skullflag:
  13. A little variety today make the hunt okay !

    Had some variety today a little fiery "Bling!" and then a weird pen (maybe it used to light up) Todays nickel count was good at twelve. And a quarter sandwich was a fine way to end the days hunt too ! :occasion14: Last but not least todays trash dug :
  14. Heavy Metal Trinity!!

    Well we all know some sites are better than others but some of us just have to live with whats available! And we then just try to maximize the finds that are possible at each site, did we really get the best of what was there to find? I detected a site with the idea of cleaning out all the...
  15. The axes have it or time for a cold drink !

    First Axe head found at old houses yard: Owner had story about his grandpas hobby was making firewood, gave this intact head to him for a project :headbang: Here is found Axe head number two appears broke maybe? Still seems a bit older type to me, maybe half of whats called a Broad-head Axe...
  16. First gold of the year and its a pretty one !

    Evey once in a while you get a "Sign" some sort of event or happening that means that todays hunt will be extra special out of the blue ! For today that sign occurred while trying to find a signal, suddenly there was no signal response in the dig, I noticed there was a clump of dirt on the...
  17. Back to the relic zone !

    Got part of a fork that has really long tines today, not sure what type it would be or age, think the copper spoon is much older. Also got what appears to be a mini bullet, my second ever, if I am correct. They are super rare to find out here, given there was no civil war action in this area...
  18. The pyramid of detecting staples.

    The detecting pyramid of staples is comprised of Quarters, Dimes, and Nickels. With Cents no longer comprising or yielding any major impact in the takes quotas at this site. Also as you can see the majority of finds are not fresh drops either, pointing towards the decline of the change economics...
  19. 20OZ of brass and a pocket watch today !

    Here are the highlights had one do not pass me by dig signal which turned out to be an old pocket watch around six inches down. Then a really strange sounding signal that turned out to be a twenty ounce oil plumb bob, just goes to show that it is impossible to tell what will turn up next ! Think...
  20. GP 925 and some bling makes the outing fun !

    Found three rings today one looks to be decent the other two are kids rings. Photos of the GP 925 ring. The rest of todays finds minus the mystery item. Todays mystery item, seems to be a rattle or percussion noise maker. The copper is very brittle. Hope you all are getting some hunt...
  21. Two hunts, two relics !

    Cleaned up the items this evening from my next to last hunt and found out that I had a tire pressure gauge, so that hunt was not a complete waste of time. It says "THE FISK RUBBER COMPANY" on it and is the second one built like this that I have found. My first one was so toasted and banged up...
  22. Brass locking Chevy hub find !!

    Went around a very large tree stump and found a brass locking Chevy hub ! No idea on its age but its the first one I've seen out here. If anyone does know time period for it be sure to let us know thanks =) Found the gold plated pot metal kids ring in a dirt pile read like a pull-tab 15...
  23. Big Ice Day or "2 big 2 b Tru !"

    The weather was perfect for hunting today and the ground moisture was about perfect a rare combination ! Had a very enjoyable hunt with good nickel count 18 and more quarters than usual 11. On heading out I did get a huge CZ ring and when first light hit that stone it was a bit of a heart...
  24. Clad and a kids ring, good nickel count.

    At least todays hunt yielded one ring, that read out at 19 low pull-tab range. Got good nickel count. At least there was a nice breeze outside today so hunting was more fun ! Todays Trash : Todays Goodies : Thanks for checking out todays finds ! Have a great hunt !
  25. 3 hour hunt yields another first for me !!

    Got out in the no shade lot for about three hours today, ended up with my first Pendant Watch, it is surprising how the first just keep on rolling in sometimes! Here is todays trash shot : Total goodies shot: Pendant Watch closeup, it has abalone like background on the dial, couldn't get it...
  26. Found the lost "Stang" !

    After three hunts in this heat, have decided that having to pace ones self so that the sweat doesn't take over the face seriously cuts down on finds! Also need to invest in bigger towels to wipe my face and glasses with, not sure there is a big enough towel to keep up with all my sweat lol ! The...
  27. MegaP.G. part2 ratcheting up the finds! 1 first 2 best#s ever!

    Went back to the mega playground today and it was well worth the trip! :treasurechest: Had some rain while I was hunting and had to quit once. Went back after the rain subsided and got my first whistle! And two new records for coin counts in one hunt 19 dimes and 17 nickels! 8-)The ring read @...
  28. Back to the Fishin spot! Part 2

    Went back to the fishing spot today to see what else would turn up. It was a threatening to storm and as soon as I stepped out of the truck rain drops began falling for a bit. Jumped back into the truck and after a while the rain subsided. Got back to the hunt then and began finding some zinc...
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