
  1. Cool Arizona Desert Find!

    I found these live .50 Caliber Browning Machine gun rounds in the Arizona desert at the end of last season. I had found several casings before but these were the first live rounds I had detected. General Patton trained his troops all over the Western deserts of Arizona and Eastern California and...
  2. Found this rock in the desert in texas has odd properties

    Did streak test silver matalic part streaks dark grey,black Rock part streaked red. They are not mixed together but hooked to each other. I though hematite and magnatite, but their attractions to a magnet is backwards for those. It is heavy and acclamates to hot or cold in less than a minute
  3. Odd rock

    Most of the metallic part is square granular and will flake,trying to identify. Streak test seamed like it was hematite and magnatite,but magnetic fields are opposite of those minerals. Also only a small part of what streaks like hematite is magnetic.any ideas what it is? a coworker found a...
  4. Trying to identify

    Found in desert in central texas
  5. Is this gold or fools god?

    Is this gold or fools gold? I found this rock in the desert covered in desert varnish. On removing varnish, it was gold coloured and i have attached pictures. Any ideas what it could be? I broke some fragments off by bashing the surface and they were black flakes that smelt of smoke. It...
  6. Keene Engineering Dry Washer, Modifications #4

    Keene Engineering Dry Washer, Modifications 04: spacer inserts The drive wheels tend to wander, and when they wander "inward" towards the device they jamb. I've added spacers to prevent that. Previous videos...
  7. Found Quartz - what kind?

    Hi Guys! My brother and I were outside today and found this quartz buried deep in the ground. I was using my metal detector, and it seems to pick up on it. Not sure what it is or if it's worth anything.... We've been looking at pictures all day and can't identify it. Anyone have a clue? P.S...
  8. Images From The Desert

    Some may think I don't have many friends out here in the desert, wrong! I've collected a few of them, enjoy the laugh. :laughing7:
  9. World War II Camp Hunt

    I made this video earlier this year. Some friends and I hunted a WWII training camp and made some nice finds: Enjoy and HH!
  10. New forum member and my 1st nugget!

    Hello fellow gold nuts! Newbie San Diego prospector here. Just joined the forum and wanted to share my first nugget with you! Found this beauty drywashing with my Keene 151 in the CA desert. I was screening my cons down and there she was, sticking out like a sore thumb in my 8 mesh material! I...