
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Looks like pegmatite but with various crystals?

    Hey! I'm new to this and recently found a rock that my app identified as pegmatite but it has a bluish purple crystal, something green and also some orange and black in it. Does anyone have any idea of what if consists of? I'm in NJ but whatever was used to lay the base of our driveway had some...
  2. Newbie looking to learn anything/everything to do with Rocks/Gems/Minerals!

    Hello! I live in Hot Springs, Arkansas and I've recently started diving into the world of crystal/mineral collecting! I've only just scratched the surface of this topic/hobby, so I'm hoping to learn a lot as I go! I am just curious if anyone else lives in the same state, where you typically go...
  3. Unknown minerals or crystals. Can anyone identify

    Hey guys I posted a couple days ago to see if anyone recognized the Crystal's I found.i looked all over the internet I cant find it anywhere. Anyone know?
  4. ✅ SOLVED Crystal ID

    I've been hunting this crystals origins and haven't nailed anything down. My closest guess is a type of Prehnite however I cannot find anything with this much color. Thanks in advance and happy hunting! Medium transparency No knowledge on Mohs I'm colorblind so I won't guess at the color...
  5. The Geological World Will Be Turned Upside Down...

    ... I'm here to tell ya. The Tree. The Tree is on just about every rock/crystal matrix specimen... The image is either on the face of the rock texture-wise (as in appearing to be carved), in the crystal pattern, or when light is shown through it and photographed with no light and...

  7. Beach Rock ID... Save me from myself!

    Please help! A year ago I moved to Maine because I love beachcombing for seaglass. However, now I find myself obsessed with rocks, and I can’t stop bringing them home. Unfortunately I know little about them. I have read online, and looked at pictures and I’m just not getting the answers I...
  8. Identification Please!

    I could not navigate back to where it said identifications could be made with photo. I figured I would start here. Can anyone tell me if this is orange calcite and also what are the green crystals formed within it? Peridot, diopside?? It looks light in color to be diopside... Any insight...
  9. Live in Massachusetts on a fault line. Home built in 1850, findings in my dirt cellar

    We live in Massachusetts on the NH border in a town called Merrimac Ma. Its on a fault line. My home was built in 1850 and has a dirt basement. I wanted help identifying crystals or gemstones in rocks I found.
  10. Beautiful raw crystal

    Bought it from a thrift store need help in identifying crystal thank you
  11. Help identifying?

    Is it plain quartz and does something like this hold any value?
  12. What is this rock?

    Hi everyone, I was digging up my back yard and found quite a large rock (within a meter of digging) which looked a bit like a meteorite or some valuable rock like quartz. I'm really unsure, it doesn't have magnetic power but it has, what looks like 3 layers: a previous core, simple rock and then...
  13. crystals in their natural habitat

    In this case, amphibole. After some etching off the calcite, I'll grab a nicer picture of the specimen.
  14. Really need help identifying these

    I found these today while collecting quarts next to a creek in pennsylvania. They're dark green and at first I thought they could be glass but I'm not sure because of how thick they are and how they're shaped. I tried scratching glass with them and it barely leaves a mark, just slightly. Could...
  15. Need help identifying a Rock I found

    Hello everyone, I found this Little Rock on my property in Texas while I was gardening, anyone have an idea of what it is?
  16. Need help identifying crystal

    My friend bought this for me but couldn’t remember the name of the h crystal. Help!
  17. Construction Site Crystal!

    A new college has just been built on untouched Texas land. While exploring it I noticed they were dumping large left-over rocks as pathways in the parking lot. I decided to take a closer look at some of them and came across a lovely crystal of some sort. I have taken in the possibility that...
  18. New Finds Need Help With Identification

    Anyone have any clues as to what these could be...found in south central pa. Greatly Appreciate opinions.
  19. Hi! Im new!

    Hi! I'm new! Okay, first off. Love this site! You guys are great and super helpful! I'm a dowser. I find cool stuff just by intuition... It's just what to do with it afterwards... Cleaning it up and panning and sifting and... Learning tips and tricks to aid me in that. I have my rock tumbler...
  20. not sure what these crystal like rocks I found in texas?

    I went out today looking for Indian artifacts and found these crystals I think that's what they are. Some look more like crystals some look like clear glass almost, with some debris suspended in them and some have a real opal look / mother of pearl appearance. I want to add a little info: I...
  21. Road Side Find: 1 Common & 1 Uncommon

    Just a few Images of some of the stones I find while walking to and from the Library.. Image: Common limestone (Host Stone) with well formed crystal noduals.. Image: Very Uncommon Find.. This petrified Wood has turned opalized in some areas..
  22. Help Identify This Rock, Eastern KY

    Hallo! I've collected these rocks from the creek bed on our estate for the last year or so. They come out of a hardened clay bank under some falls in the creek. They really stick out for they're very odd shaped, deep red in color with some orange on some rocks. They've VERY dense and rather...
  23. Unkown bllue crystals ID help please!!

    Unkown blue crystals ID help please!! My first post so I thought I would post about this piece. Me and a friend were in an area where we were digging up quartz crystals, some pretty good size 4-5" long. in about 4 hours we ended up with 2 5 gallon buckets full, we had to be careful because my...
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