crystal hunting

  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED BIGGEST JASPER Yet! Lapidary Crystal Hunting and Cabochon Rock Cutting

    What an amazing day up in the mountains crystal hunting! I find the biggest jasper that I have ever seen and finish out the day with some lapidary cabochon rock cutting! Hmm, these huge jasper boulders could be used for decorative landscaping or even headstones. I'm always on the hunt for...
  2. Grandfather had a rock collection. Need help with ID of these 20 rocks

    My grandfather died before I was born so not sure how or where these were obtained. At one point they were labeled. This is only a fraction of the collection, but what I am most curious about. Thought maybe 14 was Rose quartz, and 19 was tumbled Amethyst but I'm not sure. Thank you, any IDs much...