
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Found this rock

    This rock caught my eye, found near the waters of the st Lawrence river in quebec, canada. After a quick rub it looks sandy-ish or something if you see the detail, its about an inch big and it got me curious as to what this may be exactly if anyone knows.. i have no idea other than maybe some...
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Should I split this piece?

    I've had this piece for a few years now and always had a thought about splitting this rock to see inside, is it worth it? I don't know what type of mineral this is if anybody could help me identify it. It was picked off a coast of the Saint Lawrence river in eastern Canada. It's decentry heavy...
  3. Treasure inside a stone

    Hey, I'm here to show off this gem~ an agate x petrified wood piece that I saw at a local shop and i had to snatch it as soon as I saw it.. there's a small window that shows what seems to be some sort of stem of a plant inside of it. I assume it to be extremely old and is a precious coincidence...
  4. has anyone ever seen anything like this "scepter" quartz crystal???

    Hello! I recently purchased a claim in northern Colorado and I found this late in the season. Most of the stuff I find is hematoid (ferruginous) quartz crystals, and this is no different, but this thing is so unique and special I can't find any similar examples online. From what I read, it's not...
  5. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Potentially a Dolomite?

    Hello! I'm new to crystal identification and I am uncertain what this is. My best guesses are Dolomite or Quartz, but I would like to confirm or deny that It has a slight tinge of green/yellowish "glow" at the base, the white is not transparent or reflective like metal however you can see light...
  6. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED What Gem or Mineral is this one?

    It's quite similar to quartz, it kind of looks like salt crystals, it's greyish, all of them are almost triangular with sharp edges. it is on an glittery white gray stone with some lighter strips, around the crystals it is more white (maybe calcite?), like in an amethyst geode. I found it near...
  7. Rock?, Meteorite?, Crystal? Also magnetic.

  8. Is this smoky quartz?

    I recently bought this crystal and was wondering if it is smokey quartz and a good quality crystal. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank You!!
  9. Unidentified green gem

    I picked this up in a lot from an estate auction in North Carolina. I'm not entirely sure what it is I thought it might be Beryl but I think it could also be green Tourmaline I'm not all that familiar with the different types of green gems. It's 2 centimeters long and fairly clear I can't see...
  10. Unidentified pieces of my collection

    Recently I was reorganizing my collection and I found a bunch of unidentified pieces I had forgotten about and just stored away. Iv'e picked out my 4 favorites if anyone could help me figure out what any of them are It'd be greatly appreciated! The largest piece is the one I'm most curious...
  11. ✅ SOLVED Corundum in unidentified green rock?

    So there's a bit of a story behind these. My great great grandparents use to be rock hounds their property has multiple sheds just full of various crystals and just interesting rocks they liked the look of. The property has been abandoned for about 40 years and my great grandmother who now owns...
  12. Mystery crystal

    I've had this for years but I have no idea what it is. Help?
  13. Not sure what it is? Possible coral? Indiana

    I found this while I was on a hike and I took my kids to the creek near the trail. It looks like there’s some sort of crystal growing in a couple of holes too. I checked some stuff out so I’m not sure if it’s solicified coral or what. It’s pretty heavy and about the size of a baseball. These...
  14. snake egg crystal

    Greetings, We had been to the Tunduru Mountains and met our old friend, he is gone with age and managed to give us his find from deep in the mountains which looked like the images uploaded. He thought the object had some magical features and could help in healing but then that was not his...
  15. silver and crystal decanter

    Anyone know what these markings are? An age? thanks
  16. Identifying iron ore?

    Hello, my mum bought this in an auction ages ago because its quite cool and I was just wondering what it is/ how it might have formed? It's cirtainly iron and is very heavy for its size so I wonder if it's quite pure! I half thought it was a meteorite but it dosnt have scorch marks / a layer of...
  17. Please help me sparkling rock

    I found this rock in Washington,DC in the NW area. It is sparkling all over with cooper looking flakes on the side view.
  18. What do I have here?

    Found this beautiful specimen on the Mattole River (northern CA coast) it has some beautiful colors and shapes to it! Any ideas or info would be greatly appreciated!
  19. Finds This Year - Opal, Magnetite & More

    I don't post much here anymore because I am so busy, but I thought I'd share some cool finds so far this year. I am a dealer in Japan and come back to California to dig & buy every 2 months. Spencer Opal - been on a binge for Spencers. The opal banding and the nodules the come in are awesome...
  20. ✅ SOLVED Crystallization on petrified wood

    Have a few samples of this liquid looking crystal that is on some petrified wood near navasota river
  21. Large unknown crystal / rock found in wetumpka Alabama

    I have attached a picture of a large reddish orange crystal I found at wind creek wetumpka state park in alabama, I also found some quartz crystals nearby. Anyone have any clue what type of stone or crystal this is?
  22. Some odd crystals I just can't figure out.

    I've been tyring to figure out what these are for the longest time but I just can't seem to crack the case. Sorry for the bad picture my camera is not very good. The first one on the left is solid smooth black with veins of blue quartz looking rock running through out it my best guest is some...
  23. Found this today not sure what it is

    found this today chiseled away most of the rock around it
  24. ✅ SOLVED flaky Rock with crystals I found in my garden

    Hi, I'm new but I heart rocks! Wish I knew more about the lovely rocks I find in my garden! Today I found a rock that has a bunch of white crystal like pieces. I pinched one of them and it broke off in my hand. It's got alot of shiny black in it too.. and its shine flashes like gold when I...
  25. What is this rock?

    My son found it at his school. We live in Brewer, Maine.
  26. What is this rock?

    I got this rock today at one of those places in stores where you can fill a little bag with rocks. I could identify most of the rocks I got but this one is completely eluding me. I've been doing searches for it all evening and I still can't figure it out. It's about the size of a quarter, dark...
  27. Found in Long Beach, CA

    Hello! Found this in the surf while looking for shells and beach glass... thought it was glass at first, but looking at it more it has structure and is probably a quartz crystal. Am I right? And if so, is it a good find?
  28. Fossil, Geode or both?

    I found this a while ago. I believe it is a geode and a fossil. Within the rib, there is crystal the looks quartz to me and at the top of the stone, looks like there may be bone. I would appreciate any and all thoughts
  29. Jade?

    I'm hoping this is jade
  30. Agate? (part 2)

    This is a reply to the post: Long story short, I found some possible agates in a place in Michigan with is the geological equivalent of vanilla ice cream (quartz is a rare find). I also found them in a rather high volume, and returned to...
  31. PLEASE HELP ME!!! What is this????

    Hi, I am driving myself crazy trim to find out what this is. Its seems to be blue quartz, with a crystal white quartz vein but I have no idea and would love some help and like to hear your input. Thanks in advance!!!!!!!
  32. Help identifying unusual rock/gem please!

    Hi everyone: I came across these two rocks at a gem and crystal shop, but unfortunately didn't catch their name. Despite their unique shape, i'm having quite a hard time identifying them. I've tried searching online but to no avail. Has anyone seen anything like these before? I know that...
  33. Help identify green crystals and silver luster magetic composite

    I am new to mineralogy and prospecting, and am looking for any feedback about your best guess for the components of this rock I found in New River, AZ just north of Phoenix. What tests should I perform, or should I break it up or crush it for separating any components of potential value...
  34. Help identify this find, possibly petrified wood with crinoid imprint?

    I'm having trouble remembering where this came from. I have to refer to my notes but I thought i'd see if anyone recognized what it could be in the short term. Thank you very much, any help is appreciated!
  35. Strange Crystal in Quartzwith possible gold

    It has a bit of a reddish sheen in the light, and pretty decagonal, but very etched. Anyone have any ideas? This piece is egg sized, crystal is 2/3 size of a penny. any ideas?
  36. Crystal Bowl, is it really Bohemia?

    I received this bowl from my mother after she passed. I don't know how old it is or where it came from, but in researching Bohemia crystal I have not been able to find anything even close to looking like this. The bowl has etched tulips sideways on the bowl, and the leaves are silver. The rim...
  37. Please Take a look AMAZING Star Rock.. Meteorite? Crystals Medals ID Please

    ok strong magnetic proprietress. Two large visible groups of deep Orange dare i say red crystal structures. Cubed medals within and protruding from stone. Approx 4.11 oz Looks like Fusion Crust from the little iv been able to understand on this. Looks like medal rock cooled and liquified over...
  38. Rocks and ?

    Hello, I have been finding these rocks all over. Can you tell me what they maybe? There seems to be no reliable way here and it is frustrating. I live in a town where they have a place for people to pan for gold, yet they don't know how to identify it, or so they say. I am on a very limited...
  39. Can anyone identify this crystal cookie jar?

    This crystal cookie jar belonged to my mother who has given it to me saying "do what you want with it". I haven't a use for it so I was thinking of selling it, but I would like to identify it first. Here is a photo of the jar as well as a photo of what I assume to be a brand on the bottom. I...
  40. Found Quartz - what kind?

    Hi Guys! My brother and I were outside today and found this quartz buried deep in the ground. I was using my metal detector, and it seems to pick up on it. Not sure what it is or if it's worth anything.... We've been looking at pictures all day and can't identify it. Anyone have a clue? P.S...
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