
  1. John Eichler Tooled Crown Beer Bottle (1890's-1900's).

    John Eichler Tooled Crown Beer Bottle (1890's-1900's).

    I have found many tooled blob and tooled crown John Eichler beer bottles over the years, but this appears to be a scarce large script variant that I have never encountered before on a tooled crown. Tooled crown variants typically have very small script. This variant is large like on the old blobs.
  2. Evers-Rehm Co. Seltzer Bottle

    Evers-Rehm Co. Seltzer Bottle

    Seltzer bottle from the Evers-Rehm Co. of 419-421-423 E. 24th St. NEW York. This bottle was made by B.&M. S. Co. - the Bottler's & Manufacturer's Supply Company of Long Island City, New York, which operated from 1897-1920. It has a tooled crown and a tiny one inch wide base, very unstable.
  3. Pictorial Tooled Crown Beer Bottles

    Pictorial Tooled Crown Beer Bottles

    Excavated all these bottles on Feb. 16. 1. Dark-green bottle, no markings. (Turn-molded) 2. Piel Bro's - East New York Brewery 3. New York Bottling Company Inc. 4. Leonard Eppig Brewing Co., Brooklyn NY 5. Welz & Zerweck High Ground Brewery, Brooklyn NY 6. Canada Dry (Machine Made)
  4. Ebling Brewing Company - Tooled Crown

    Ebling Brewing Company - Tooled Crown

    This is an amber tooled crown Ebling beer bottle dating from the 1910's. The Ebling brewery was located in the Bronx and operated from 1868-1949.
  5. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Stamped Stainless Steel. ~2.5" Width.

    New to the group, my very first post here. I've been meaning to create an account here for some time (measured in years). Found this neat little 'gem' a couple days ago. Actually, I found THIRTEEN of them in total, all in the same little spot. The 'Cadillac V' was a popular design with not...
  6. What’s this little red button with a crown?

    It looks like that’s a shield under the crown? I think it feels like plastic even though the outside looks like metal
  7. Found a button metal detecting - looking to ID the age/origin

    I found this while metal detecting in a dried creek bed in Ottawa County in Michigan. Any idea of the age and if this is military? Looks like a crown, maybe some crossed rifles... or hockey sticks... we are not too far from Canada ;)
  8. Button Found

    Found in CT would like to know anything about it 2 Piece no back mark visible
  9. shield shaped button??

    I believe i found a button today shaped as a shield, it has a shank mark on the back and is about as big as a quarter. On the front it has a crown at the top with a shield below and two swords crossing i believe. Does anyone have any info???
  10. Button Found?

    Ok I have found a few dozen possibilities for this one.. An Eagle with a crown over it. But I cannot find anything with the eagle looking to the left (facing button). Can anyone give me a clue on this one? Thanks in advance. IzG2
  11. Puzzling Silvered Button with CROWN and 2 FLEUR DE LIS

    Was hunting an old plantation site road bed near a stream and popped this button out, I have not been able to identify. The site is colonial and also had Civil War occupation. The button is silver over brass, 3 piece (front, back, and loose shank) No maker mark on back, clearly visible is...
  12. Table Runner?

    I bought this table runner, I think it is, because it was so unusual. I have tried to find out what all the symbols mean but honestly I'm not sure how it all ties in together. Measurements are 22 1/2" by 13". I would be very grateful to anyone's help. Thank you!
  13. Vintage Metal Button from Bermuda

    I found this button in shallow water off of Bermuda. Appears to be the royal crown but all of my Google searching isn't finding an exact match. Any help would be great!
  14. ✅ SOLVED British Crown?

    Recently I have been getting into some Revolutionary War artifacts and one of these pieces is still stumping! Can anyone help me with this British Crown motif that I found recently. All of the other artifacts all date to the Rev War (and I have found almost 0 trash) so it is definitely from that...
  15. Thrift Store Shield with Crown and Six-Pointed Star - Sweater or Cloak fastener?

    Hi! I am a thrift store treasure hunter, more interested in unique things than value. I found this interesting item recently and thought it might be a sweater keeper. I haven't been able to identify the crest. Any information would be appreciated! dottiedee
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