
  1. 1 1/2 Gallon Stoneware Crock

    1 1/2 Gallon Stoneware Crock

    Late 19th C. - Early 20th C. stoneware storage crock. White glazed ceramic with blue glaze number "1 1/2" displayed on exterior. Interior is brown glaze. Significant section of the pottery is missing. One smaller section was located in hole and returned to its proper configuration.
  2. Whiskey Jug

    Whiskey Jug

    These are all finds from a relic hunt I conducted on April 14th 2022. A complete whiskey jug from the late 19th to turn of the 20th century, a Dundee Marmalade jar, a slug-plate embossed blob-top beer bottle, brass skeleton key, and an old tobacco pipe.
  3. Love Field Potteries Churn #1 Stonware

    Found this over the weekend. I did some research but can find nothing about this size #1 churn. Any info is appreciated!
  4. Brown Pottery Crock Identification Help Needed~

    Hello all, any info on this 3 gallon brown crock would be appreciated. It looks like it's from Texas to me but I'm no expert on this. Also on the bottom edges seems to be some sort of markings, at first I thought maybe it's just the glaze or from the clay randomly forming it but it does look...
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