
  1. Button (front)

    Button (front)

    Button with a heraldic crest. A medieval tower, and an armor helmet.
  2. Crest? Coat of arms? Scottish?

    This was in my grandmother's things after she passed. It doesn't appear to be valuable at all, but I am wondering the significance of it. (It's a fairly heavy piece of metal and says Japan on the back.) Any clues would be appreciated. Thank you!
  3. ✅ SOLVED Mystery medal/crest/brooch

    I recovered this object from an empty lot next to a school in Indiana. There used to be a home there in the 1950's. The item appears to be made of brass and is quite ornate. It has a crest in the middle showing what appears to be a king's crown and a queen's crown along with two crosses...
  4. Thrift Store Shield with Crown and Six-Pointed Star - Sweater or Cloak fastener?

    Hi! I am a thrift store treasure hunter, more interested in unique things than value. I found this interesting item recently and thought it might be a sweater keeper. I haven't been able to identify the crest. Any information would be appreciated! dottiedee
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