costa rica

  1. Costa Rica laws regarding treasure hunting, HELP!

    Hello fellow hunters. I am new to this site and want to know if anyone has any info on the laws in Costa Rica regarding using a metal detector on the beaches and in the water. A google search is not yielding the best results and I don't know how much I trust a lawyer to give me accurate...
  2. Costa Rica Gold Prospecting

    Before my vacation to Costa Rica 2 weeks ago, I heard that there were a few places people had found gold in a few rivers/streams. So wanting to find out for myself I packed my folding sluice box and gold pan. Well needless to say, after lots of talking to locals and scoping out a few locations...
  3. Hi From Costa Rica (central america)

    Well I have been in this forum for a short time but I think I never properly introduced myself. I live in costa rica. I like to metal detect, unfortunately this seems to be the only hobby that locals don't know so basically I am alone on this one. I had found a MD partner but he now is moving...
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