So back in the summer I had decided to do some caving. I hop out the car at black cat cave and noticed a huge gate blocking the entrance. I left and found another to explore. No plans or ideas in mind just basically sight seeing. A good ways in something in the gravel wash immediately caught my...
After spending the last 6 days in the madness of Chicago....I'm back detecting at my old copper culture beach, beautiful night with crystal clear water, loons calling and no city insanity.
The junk.
I met a dude last year on the beach that told me he lost his binoculars a few years ago...
Believe it or not this is the first thing I have ever found with my new Detector. Ten Minutes into my first outing I dug this up. I found this on a very old grown over riverbed on a remote lake in Northwestern Ontario Canada. The Curator of the local museum said it is from the Archaic period...
This is my first find with my new Detector in Aug of this year. I found this on a very old grown over Riverbed on a remote lake in Ontario Canada. The Curator of the local Museum say's that it's an Archaic Copper Culture Spearhead dated around 3000BC. I still can't believe this is the first...