
  1. ✅ SOLVED Are these Lemat bullets?

    These two bullets are .65 in long, .4114 diameter. The one on the top is 144 grain, on the bottom 148 grain. Both have the form of a Lemat with the most salient difference being the curvature at the waist. Can anybody provide a positive identification?
  2. $600K gold buried near Monterrey, Mexico

    Anyone know what happened to Attorney Renchart's attempts in the early 1900s to secure an agreement with the Mexican government to allow his client to search & extract a cache of buried gold near Monterrey, Mexico? Apparently, the gold was buried by ex-Confederate US soldiers who turned into...
  3. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Piece of a Rare, Southern Civil War Buckle?

    This artifact is from a site in North Alabama that has produced artifacts from the Civil War, including three Confederate buckles, a frame and two CSA rectangles of the Army of Tennessee type. Unfortunately it is only a piece of what appears to be a buckle or plate of an oval shape. This...
  4. Some NC CW/older relics.

    I don't get on here much, but I would like to share some of my better finds from the past few months. I mostly try and target Civil War sites or older. I'm in Cabarrus county NC, but travel all over to dig. I would like to find a digging buddy somewhat close by.
  5. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Odd Virginia Confederate Button W. Wildt & Son

    I recovered this button locally at a site that has produced relics dating from 1810 to present. I believe it is a Virginia State Seal button, probably Civil War, but the backmark is very odd. The button is brass, but not too corroded for having been in the ground over 150 years. It has been...
  6. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Possible Droop Wing Eagle Confederate Item. Civil War?

    I have hit what appears to be a Confederate Cavalry camp in North Alabama. Several plain flat buttons and odd iron objects with Sharps and Maynard bullets occurring with Roundballs. This is the first item that could be identified as North or South. It is a 35mm, heavily corroded item that...
  7. ✅ SOLVED Civil War Confederate Item?

    This artifact is sheet brass with a moon, a “4”, a large star and a series of smaller stars in the field. It was found in Pulaski, TN in a site that has produced relics from the Civil War. I have seen Civil War insignia that is similar, but it also resembles early Klan uniforms. They were...
  8. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Button - Eagle with 13 stars and no shield. Civil War?

    All, found this button on a site that has produced Civil War and later artifacts. It is a brass button with an Eagle facing right with a diameter of 19.2mm. The Eagle is clutching a shield and an arrow against a lined field. The button has two holes in the front however, and I have never seen...
  9. ✅ SOLVED Possible Eagle Bridle Boss? Civil War?

    This specimen was found on a site that has produced artifacts from the Civil War. The material is unknown, but patinated like brass while retaining a aluminum or stainless like gloss. This appears to be an eagle facing left without a shield against a lined field. On the back, stars are...
  10. ✅ SOLVED Help Identifying Button - Confederate "Manuscript R" Rifleman's button

    This button is a brass, two piece type with the back having corroded away. It is 22.2 mm wide. It appears to feature a stylish “R” and was found in North Alabama on a site that was occupied by both Union and Confederate soldiers during the Civil War. Any information on type, age, rarity...

    I never thought I’d ever find anything like this! I am so truly thankful and grateful. I got a 20-30 signal on my minelab equinox 800. It sounded wayyy to good to be true. I figured it was going to be another can lid, or piece of sheet metal. But it was 15 feet from where the eagle breast plate...

    :headbang: I scored this beauty today with the Garrett Ace Apex! Found out it’s very rare, being told only 1 of 8 known to exist!

    WHAT A DAY IT HAS BEEN! Got permission to dig two old homes: 1830s & 1870s The 1830s home was picked clean of anything worth while. But the 1870s home was/ is loaded. We only got a good 30mins - 1hour to look and found so many bucket listers! (In only one quarter of the yard only) so many more...
  14. old horse bits

    Does anyone know if any of these bits are Civil War and if so, which army? Many Thanks. P.S. Pics are quite jumbled--I can do more if needed.

    60 bottles recovered from a permission at the battle of franklin. My girlfriend and I found a civil war era trash pit in the back field of a 1800s home while metal detecting for civil war relics. We were hot on the trail of bullets and other items when we were overloaded with iron tones. We...

    Civil war gun parts found on the historic battle field of Franklin Tennessee. My girlfriend and I dug these at a permission located on the front lines of the battlefield. We were bombarded with iron tones and decided to start digging. We started hitting sold charcoal and instantly knew we found...
  17. New to Savannah, GA!

    Hi Everyone, My name is Nick, and I am currently Active Duty Air Force stationed in Jacksonville, FL. I will be PCSing to Savannah, Georgia in a couple of weeks and am looking to get involved with the relic-hunting community there. I have been swingin' an old White's Blue & Gray since I was...
  18. My best month of water hunting to date - Amazing Civil War Ford

    I want to start by saying this video is only 28 seconds long, so I won't be attaching pictures to this post but I will post pictures of when I get the videos finished. This is just a teaser trailer. Anyways, I finally got around to hitting a spot I researched 3 years ago. Since it's somewhat of...
  19. Martingale Heart - Silver Plated

    Let me know what you guys think of this sweet find
  20. Novice needs ID help

    The intact bullet I dug in Lovejoy, Ga. where 2 or 3 CW engagements took place in 1864. I'm pretty sure it's an Enfield, but is there a method to determine Confederate or Union? SIZE ..... length .955 ...... diameter .575 +- .003. don't know the weight The flattened lead I found in...
  21. 1st Confederate or Union ? 2nd Opinions ??

    Need help to identify the bullet dug in Lovejoy, Ga. 4-5" deep. Size ..... Length .955 +- .003 - Diameter .577. Don't know weight. Photo of Flattened lead found this past weekend in Stockbridge, Ga. Just by feel, it's weight is of the Enfield bullet. Opinions ?? Thanks y'all ...
  22. Solid Brass Block I Confederate Infantry Button

    I found this button about a year ago and hold it as my most prized button find. I am posting here per the request of a fellow TNet Member & Georgia resident. 23mm Diameter, 9.83g. If anyone has any specific information, date, etc on this piece, I would be grateful for the information.
  23. Found a old 13 star confederate flag need help to find out if its authentic

    It was found in a old general store in north ga chatsworth ga to be fact
  24. another odd button find

    I found this, some broken kettle parts, and some broken horse shoes while looking for a confederate camp that's not well documented, way out in what is now a heavily wooded and tick infested area. To me it bears a strong resemblance to a pelican but is just different from the typical Louisiana...
  25. Confederate Gun Part?

    I dug this brass object in a Confederate Campsite. It looks poorly made, handmade, hand drilled, and stamped with two crude "7"'s. Any information about this will be helpful. Thanks!
  26. It's been a while since I've found one of these!

    Was able to get out yesterday to a permission that I've been to twice, but wasn't really able to hunt it then due to tall grass and stormy weather. Not much on Quantity, but Quality makes up for it! This place was really a shot in the dark! After about an hour of searching, I had a .69...
  27. Civil war hat pin? Insignia?

    I dug this pin looking relic from a civil war site in North Carolina and I have no idea what it is. Maybe it's civil war? I don't know. Anything helps! Thanks :)
  28. WTB: Confederate Relics!!

    Not sure if this is the right place to post, however, I'm a private collector in NY and am interested in Confederate weapons and accoutrements, both dug and non-dug. Please pm me should you have anything you're willing to part with! Thank you. -George
  29. Confederate Cannon ball fused.

    I found this bad boy yesterday hunting with some friends in GA on private land not far from a major battle. I didnt get a much of the dig on video because most of the huge iron was plow points and I honestly thought that this would be more of the same. It was super shallow in the edge of a creek.
  30. ✅ SOLVED Friction Primer Part???

    Okay, just how does a novice tell the difference between a piece of junk wire and a piece of wire off of a friction primer? I saw a post elsewhere and it got me thinking of a piece of wire I found over a year ago that I still have kicking around. I kept it because of what it was found near. I...
  31. My first Civil War bullet found in my front yard! (Video)

    Hey today i decided to go hunt my front yard. I have already found 36 square head nails that i have been told were used with supply crates for the troops. well they would burn the crate and the nails would be left behind! so i want a little left of the area and BAM! A Nice 87-90 id number and...
  32. Confederate Mothers Memorial Park Russellville. AR.

    Confederate Mother's Memorial Park Russellville. AR. WHERE: Confederate Mother's Memorial Park 1915 South Glenwood Avenue, Russellville. AR. This city park is listed in the National Register of Historic Places as a significant historic site. Three monuments dedicated to the Mothers of the...
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