
  1. Poor Placer/Mineral Prospectors DIY Plans

    As a prospector who happens to have a mineral claim, but also likes to placer mine and just pan at times, I thought I'd gather my thoughts here and spell out what I plan to do. Keeping in mind that a person past 50 living on a very modest fixed income doesn't have a big budget for the "toys"...

    Willing to pay 50 cents a pound for raw black beach sand or left over black sand concentrates. Im in the process of building a prototype sluice box/ miller table combo and need black sands for testing. I pay for shipping as well. Call 479-857-4138 Needing black sand ASAP
  3. DIY Fluid Bed

    Since I did my Bazooka Gold Trap post I noticed that some people were unfamiliar with the concept of a fluid bed. Well a fluid bed is very useful to anyone with a large amount of concentrates. It will quickly turn your buckets of concentrates into a cup of super concentrates. How a fluid bed...
  4. 2 lb Alaskan Gold Panning Concentrates (Gold Guaranteed!)

    Get high grade gold panning concentrates to practice panning with, teach the kids/grandkids, you name it! All these concentrates have guaranteed gold, plus with further processing you can do even better! Cost $16.00 2 lb (Shipping & Handling included in price) Please order via my new website...
  5. Stubborn / "wirey" rocks that sit in the bottom of the pan with black sand...

    Stubborn / "wirey" rocks that sit in the bottom of the pan with black sand... Hey Everyone, I am a beginner in the art of panning and treasure hunting so please excuse my naivety and/or ridiculous questions.. But everyone has to start somewhere right? :) I have been out panning only a few...
  6. home made gold concentrate classifiers

    Hey everyone been gone from this site for a while, Hope everyone is finding gold in your pans,sluices, high bankers, etc. Hope this info might help those like me that don't want to pay high prices for classifiers plus shipping, here is my solution hope this helps Buy 4" or 6 " PVC couplers and...
  7. Looking for new Prospecting friends in Placerville, CA Area

    Hi there everybody, My dad is Barndawg and he wanted me to get on here and get to know some people before I move out to Placerville. I have lived in the area in the past for 6 years, Therefore I know the area quite well. I am moving there on 6-12-12. If anyone knows of a good spot for...
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