coin roll

  1. Earn a little CASH with u.s. dimes???

    Hello there. I live in Canada so was wondering if I had a bunch of u.s. dimes from roll hunting wether I could trade them in at a bank and earn a little since they are worth more than our dimes. Do they do this or should I go somewhere else? Right now a roll of u.s. dimes would be worth about 6...
  2. I'm oFISHally HOOKED!!!

    This is my first official coin roll hunt. I looked through my mom's and sisters change and found 5 old coins and one clipped one... 5 were silver. That was quite awhile ago. Today I got ten rolls of dimes and five of the rolls were really old rolls. On my third roll, out popped this nice 1967...
  3. Strange Silver Bicentennial half dollar.. with no s mint mark??!

    Hey everyone, this is my first post. I just finished looking through 10 half dollar bank rolls and found this... It appears to be silver, the edge of the coin is one reason why it does, also the metal just looks different overall compared to other non silver half dollars. This wouldn't normally...
  4. Treasure Found at Illegal Dump

    Came across piles of garbage bags tossed in the woods of my local park the other day. Probably dumped by house renovators or an angry landlord. Initially sparked my curiosity because I could see alongside the garbage were everyday household items like pots, pans, and old books. Here is some of...
  5. Took a stab at CRH

    I decided to give it a shot, started with $25 in pennies, $10 in nickels, $20 in dimes, $30 in halves. Didn't find any silvers :( kinda what I expected. I did find 8 wheaties 1926-1955, 3 Canadian pennies, a Panama p penny, a mexican 20 cent. Also saved about $7 in copper pennies, Yes I'm a...
  6. Excuses!

    I think it would be an interesting topic (funny and maybe a bit helpful) to hear some of your excuses used to dump your coinage. Real or fake excuse are free to be posted but please differentiate between them. Also if you got a story on whether it worked or not, please share that as well. HH.
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