
  1. Please help. Strange characteristics.

    I found this little guy in a parking lot.. its completely clear besides has inclusions in it, and at a certain angle you can see rainbow colors. Also looking at it from the top down it has 4 corners..when you put a light under it it illuminates immensely. Help me identify it.
  2. Petrified Agate?

    Any thoughts on what this might be? It was found in the arizona desert...
  3. Super bright orange vintage Marbles

    Found these two similar orange marbles in the aftermath of a burn pit. They seem to be hand made and are a clear orange glass with fracture veins in a pentahedron pattern. Any info on these would be greatly appreciated, as I am no marble expert but Veteran of losing them.
  4. I cant find this Coca-Cola Bottle

    I can't find this Coca-Cola Bottle I know this must be a common clear Coca-Cola hobble skirt, but I can't find the exact type on any of the listings. I read several sites on the 'net, including the great thread here...