
  1. Cleaning Gilt Button with Lemon!

    I wanted to share this with you all on here because I was blown away by the result of cleaning this early 1800s button with a lemon rind. I had found this button last November and just now got around to cleaning some of my gilt finds. I could tell this one had a bit of gilt still on it when you...
  2. Cleaning Canadian Coins

    Good Evening All- I'm looking to tap into the wisdom of coin collectors and inquire on coin cleaning methods. I have a small mountain of Canadian coins that are badly corroded and therefore not useable. I'm guessing they were under water (Wishing pod or the like) for some time. (Pictures...
  3. Old medicine bottle and a jar. (how to restore them?)

    My father and I went on an adventure yesterday to the back of his property where he had found a pile of goodies he ask me to help him carry some stuff and I would get to keep some goodies for myself! We found a lot of mostly broken unidentifiable items but we did find a lot of Snow Crop orange...
  4. Finding these never gets old!

    One of two 1865's I found yesterday. I tried a new cleaning method but I was a little skeptical about harming the green patina. Since I had a pair I went for it with one of them. Needless to say I am extremely pleased.
  5. The BEST for cleaning silver.

    I just wanted to share my absolute favorite quick cheap and easy to use household product that most of you probably already have but might not have ever considered for cleaning and restoring shine to any tarnished silver that you really want to make stand out. All you need is a little bit of...
  6. Warranted Rich Gold Plate buttons

    Morning all. I just got a new permission and found 3 Warranted Rich Gold Plate buttons. Each button was found about 8-10 inches apart in a straight line and about 8 inches deep. This property has been in the family since early 1700's and has not been picked through. I'm looking forward to going...
  7. How to take care of a metal detector!

  8. To clean or not to clean, that is the question.

    I'm just curious how one determines what should or should not be cleaned, restored, or polished? I know certain items are worth more with a natural 'patina', which is just fancy for oxidation or rust if it's iron based. I also know that cleaning coins with chemicals or abrasives is a big NoNo...
  9. Cleaning and maintenance

    I am still very new to this hobby, but I am already addicted. My only other addictions being fast cars and off road vehicles(!). Unless I have been off roading or something I keep my cars very clean. I am not super anal, but my car(s) is my sanctuary. I tend to take very good care of all my...
  10. Can these cups be saved?

    I stumbled across this site when looking for cleaning tips. I picked these mugs up at a junk store for ten bucks in hopes of restoring them to their former glory. I'd love to use these for making Moscow mules. I just hope they can be resurrected. I'd love to hear your tips for cleaning these up...
  11. Cleaning Inside Shotgun Shells

    Hi, I'm a newbie here. I dug up this Winchester shell a couple weeks ago and would like to clean out that stuff on the inside. It looks/feels like a cross between paper and some kind of fabric or cotton material. Is there a way to do this? Picking it out isn't very effective, it's really stuck...
  12. Newbie to detecting and learning the craft

    Retired and a member of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Assoc. located in Southwestern Virginia. Live within 1 mi of Kane Gap which was the pass that led Boone and some 250, 000 pioneers into the Powell's Valley and on to Cumberland Gap into Kentucky, and from there the rest of America! The...
  13. WW1 Toy Soldier? How Do I Preserve It?

    Hello, First time poster, long time reader. Just starting detecting last week and today discovered a toy soldier in my yard. I'm just not sure if I should leave it as is or try to clean off the corrosion. If I should clean it-- what should I use? Thanks for looking!
  14. New to this. Cleaning tips

    Hi I've been at this for about 6 months now so I still have a lot to learn. I recently worked a beach right after the storm a few days before Thanksgiving. There is one of the 1715 fleet wrecks located about 700 yards out from where I was detecting. I didn't find any silver or gold but I did...
  15. 4.5 cannon ball from wR OF 1812

    4.5' cannon ball from wR OF 1812 a few years back i was digging a post hole in my uncles back yard. when i found about 2 1/2 3 feet down a 4.5 inch cannon ball compleat with what looks to be a hole in it. i dont want to mention where it was but lets just say it was very close to the canada U.S...
  16. Advice for my finds?

    Hello Im Rebecca, im currently doing some Archaeological work experience in Azerbaijan, (situated between Turkey and Russia etc) And i uncovered some pottery, I have very basic knowledge as im only really here to map significant Archeological areas. I also have very basic equipment. Bascally I...
  17. Electrolysis: It CAN be done at home!

    So, I'd heard of electrolysis before but thought it was limited to hair removal :dontknow: so once I read about some of you using it to clean artifacts I had to find out whether it was a simple process or not. Some definitions for you: Oxidation: any surface destruction caused by a chemical...
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