Here in the slate belt of North Carolina, we have flour or fine gold galore. Our problem is extracting it from the other "stuff" before if gets off of end the sluice. Who knows, maybe this is a screwball Rube Goldberg of classifiers, but anything is worth a try... it may be better than nothing...
Yes, yes I know you don't need to classify for a fluidbed, but what size mesh do you usually use for your normal sluice box? I usually use 3/8 mesh. Curious to see what sizes are used by you.
Hey everyone been gone from this site for a while, Hope everyone is finding gold in your pans,sluices, high bankers, etc.
Hope this info might help those like me that don't want to pay high prices for classifiers plus shipping, here is my solution
hope this helps
Buy 4" or 6 " PVC couplers and...