civil war era

  1. John Foley Bank Pen No 7 Civil War Era

    Hi everyone! I recently picked up this pen that I believe to be from the civil war era. The nib says "John Foley's Bank Ben New York No. 7" I have seen varying versions online, but they all have a date on the nib; this one does not. Is that a problem? This does seem to be from the civil war era...
  2. Native Indian Site finds

    Hello. I'm posting some pictures from my last hunt. I found what I believe to be a garbage dump site. Pottery, Ceramics, Iron, Iron, Iron, glass, fully intact bottles, strap buckle, axe head and many other items. Nothing in search site is 20th century. Not one bottle cap, or can, or pull...
  3. Fort Pierce Civil War Era Paddle Boat Wreck< any info?

    Hello, I have a writing project for a company where this is one of the topics. Anybody have any more information about this wreck? I understand the boiler and broken spokes of the paddle are exposed. I don't think any treasure was involved but still it's an interesting wreck. Pictures of it...