civil war bullet

  1. Gilded button and Civil War Minie Ball

    Over the weekend, I went back to the site where I found the 1849-O seated liberty quarter and pulled out two more notable finds. One was a beautiful little flat button from 1820-1840 that still has a lot of gilt still on it. Says "Robinson & Co * Extra *" The other find was a bucket lister for...
  2. J.G. shells and other farm finds

    First dig of the Spring in Southern Minnesota, USA on a farm dating back to the 1850s. 1. Top finds were the 2 shell casings stamped J.G. (Jospeh Goldmark), which I believe are 56-50 shells dating from the Civil War era. I'd love some confirmation on that from those who know their cartridges...
  3. TWO BUCKLES IN ONE DAY! (Civil war)

    What a day it has been! I have always seen people find buckles and other various civil war goodies beside the typical bullet, and thought wow if only I could find a site/ relics like that. It’s nearing the one year anniversary of my journey metal detecting and I have dug tons of bullets, a few...
  4. ✅ SOLVED Help on Black Residue on CW Bullets

    Of the 130+ CW Bullets I have dug, this black residue I have found on only 4 bullets. It has a flat finish. Exists in patches in the cavity, the grooves and all the way to the nose. Considering all of these are drops, it can't be barrel residue. Something from the molding process?
  5. It's a bullet!

    My husband found this one, bottom, a couple of days ago. We are excited. Hoping to find other relics.
  6. Civil War Era Pistol Bullet

    Check out this video. I found a Civil War era pistol bullet. Let me know if you know what kind it is. Thank you.
  7. Civil War bullet with no white patina?

    Hey All, So today, I decided to hit a field near my neighborhood. I have been wanting to go for awhile, but other spots have taken precendence. In any case, I told my wife to call when it was time to come home for dinner. She eventually called after digging nothing, but trash. I said, "okay...
  8. My first GOLD Button!

    This ranks as 1 of my top finds for the year/ever. I've never found anything gold or gold plated but what a weekend we had. We hunting a big private farm here in northern Carroll County, MD. I think we may have stumbled into a possible Civil War camp but we need to go back and spend more time...
  9. Not a bad day of diggin

    A day out with the family. I have the best diggers!:icon_thumleft: Love that Velox 1!
  10. MASSIVE Civil War Bullet In The Woods

    I just got back in time to post this as a "Today's Find". I went out to a wooded area with a buddy tonight that was right in front of what used to be an old house. The house has pretty much fallen apart completely now and all that is left is the foundation of the chimney. We thought that we may...
  11. Help with some Civil War, etc. Relics

    Hello- I found these yesterday & am new to civil war relics. I need help with everything but the Mercury Dime. I appreciate the help! Here is some info on pics: 1. 1937 Mercury Dime 2. Pistol Bullet, 1/4 inch all around, is it a 36 caliber? I've never found a bullet so small. 3. Is some...
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