charlotte nc

  1. Looking for gold prospectors around Charlotte, NC

    Hello everyone, what a lovely community! My name is Lucas and I'm from Berlin in Germany. I'm working as a producer for a German TV show, that will be filmed in September this year in the U.S., Currently I'm looking for gold prospectors, who would be interested in taking us on a gold hunt...
  2. New guy, new to hobby, Charlotte/Waxhaw NC area.

    Glad to find this forum. Haven't MD'd since a teen. Picked up a detector since will be moving my folks soon, and we haven't scanned their property since the mid 70's (with a super basic Radio Shack toy detector - mainly to find and clean up scrap). Every square nail found was a real treasure...
  3. Who is our local dealer here in NC?

    Do we have a local metal detector dealer here in NC and what brands do they have? Would be nice to be able to try before I buy.
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