
  1. 🥇 BANNER W.W. Wilbur Auctioneer Slave Token

    What an epic hunt Saturday. We spent a good six hours hunting and this was the most epic unsuspected find. I knew I had a token in the field, but had no idea how rare it would be until I got home and started doing some research. 99 or less known to exist!! Amazing!! This link provides a little...
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Are these scabbard tips?

    Are these scabbard finials? The one on the end definitely looks like one but the others are a bit different and have holes drilled in the end and sides. On other finials I’ve seen two holes for rivets but they are set up horizontally at the base while these two holes are vertical. What does...
  3. Help Metal Detecting Charleston, SC Area

    Hello, I will be driving up to Charleston next weekend (January 26th thru 28th).I am hoping someone can take me detecting Sunday and/or Monday. I would really like the opportunity to find some really old coins or war artifacts. I would be happy to pay you for your time and efforts. If you have...
  4. Looking for Broken China dug up in the Charleston Area

    Hi all! I live in the Charleston area in SC, and also am a relic hunter. Overtime, I wound up with enough broken china shards around that my wife insisted I start doing something with them or risk her throwing them out. I decided to start making jewelry and decor out of it and am having some...
  5. Help! What is this strange Iron Hook Thing?

    Hello all, I just pulled this out of my electrolysis bucket. I originally dug it under a house in Downtown Charleston. I was wondering if anyone had any clue as to what it is? I have found buttons from the 1790s, to stuff from the 1890's. Thanks!
  6. ✅ SOLVED More mystery buttons?

    Hi- These were found under an old house in Charleston. I'm pretty sure they're military and from the 1800s, and that's where my knowledge ends. One was actually found with some fabric still attached! They've been cleaned with some naval jelly. At first, we thought they were all the same, but...
  7. So many marbles... And I know nothing.

    Hi! Today I went digging underneath the house and found LOTS of marbles! It was exciting, except I know very little about marbles. Could anyone help me out with possible dates? Some look pretty new, but others look comparable to 1800s marbles I've seen in museums. I tried to make things easier...
  8. Intact Blob Top!

    I love finding these, especially with the imperfections on top. This one was found in Charleston. It reads "J.H. KORNAHRENS CHARLESTON SC"
  9. How old is this bottle?

    It was found digging around in our front yard. It has the sheen to it that I've seen in older bottles, but I have no clue where to start with IDing the approximate year. Front and back are shown. Thanks!
  10. ✅ SOLVED Maybe rare button?

    Found digging around in Charleston. It has the South Carolina seal on the front and 'G Floyd & Co, Super fine' on the back. I can't find much of anything on Floyd buttons online... How old is it, and who would've worn it? Thanks! Normal camera: I tried to use instagram to highlight the text...
  11. Help Identifying Old Button Please!

    Found in downtown Charleston. Scroll above says 'E Pluribus Unum', Back says 'Gilt'. It looks like the presidential seal, but I don't know who would've had a flat button with that on it. Thanks!
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