
  1. Todd Rundgren 1978 El Mocambo Toronto

    Todd Rundgren & Utopia at the El Macambo Tavern in Toronto, Ontario Canada on Oct. 31 & Nov. 1 1978. Recorded and broadcast by CHOM-FM in Montreal, Quebec on the King Biscuit Flower Hour on 11/10/1978. Todd's live album Back to the Bars would be released the following month. It was also recorded...
  2. Need help identifying this old pick axe and crowbar found on old trading route

    Hi TreasureNet folks, I'm trying to figure out the origins of this pick axe and crow bar we found while exploring an old trading route. The pick axe has markings... maybe a "forge mark?" Does anyone have any insights, or even pictures of other axes they know about that match this one? Would...
  3. I keep getting signals in tide pools on Vancouver Island!

    I recently bought a property in Nanoose Bay on Vancouver Island. We got very lucky and managed to fix up an older home right on the water. So a year later i finally have time to adventure! I fired up the metal detector and headed to the beach at low tide. There's bedrock everywhere and the...
  4. New Video Bedrock Crevicing on the Lower Fraser River

    This was filmed earlier this week on our bedrock claim on the Fraser. We found some gold and had a great time. Thanks guys.
  5. Hello! Hepplewhite Explorations is aboard!!!

    Hello all, Glad I found this website, we are prospectors in BC, Canada and although our primary focus is prospecting for gold, we are learning how to use a Garret AT Gold detector and we are looking forward to sharing some finds with you all, plus learning! Thanks a lot ! If anyone else...
  6. ~7 years a mystery~

    Skip to bottom paragraph for the item discription or read the full story. Wow, it been years since posting to TN and many things have changed in life since being a teenager. Though one thing has stayed the same. I still continue to explore history and occasionally metal detect. This find has...
  7. Hello from Alliston Ontario

    I have been digging through trash heaps and collecting bottles and old relics since I was 10 years old, I have always had the bug and decided to try metal detecting so I am very new. I am excited to get going but sad to say the weather here will not be cooperative as warmer weather is 5 months...
  8. Stone tool?

    We found this tool in Saskatchewan, where there are a number of arrowheads and other Indigenous artefacts. This one has a clear incision all the way around, and if you look closely, you can see that there is another incision exactly at the point that the rock appears to have been...
  9. Large Scale Placer Exploration in the Yukon

    Hey guys, Over April and May this year I spent 7 weeks on a large scale prospecting gig in the Yukon. We had a small team of 3 guys and some cool machines. Our main tool was a Nodwell mounted 12" auger drill. Check out the write up here, Yukon Placer Trip
  10. comments and suggestions pls..

    My wife and me are trying to find jobs in Canada but its been difficult. We spend a few weeks applying to different companies but have not heard anything back. Any suggestions for how to make this easier and quicker?
  11. :boots: Looking for new hunting grounds

    Hello everybody! I just moved from Vancouver Island to the mainland of Vancouver and I am just dying to find some new grounds. Preferably creeks or anything.. I dont know anybody who hunts in Canada for indian artifacts let alone in British Columbia.. Thought id just give a shout out...
  12. Found First Bullet - But no Idea What Kind

    Finally bought some headphones and am learning to pinpoint with the detector and not rely on the depth gauge or the discrimination. This one was about 8 inches deep. I was swinging handfuls of dirt over the detector and this popped up in one of them but it is so small that I never saw it or felt...
  13. Hello from Atlantic Canada

    Just found this site and joined. Newbie to the hobby and seeking what brand of unit to buy. Looked at Garret and Bounty Hunter. Making the debate vs usage & time.
  14. Meanwhile in Canada

    Hi Im new to this forum, started to roll hunt at work and picking dimes, quarter from banks. I'vr been skunk from rolls at work. Went to bank today, picked four rolls of dimes wich were skunks, on top of that I've got 8 rolls of quarters. This is starting, the Teller put them on counter, i...
  15. New to this, some good cent finds.

    Hey everyone I'm 16 and I have been collection for 2 years now, but I'm new to coin roll hunting, I just turned 16 and am working at In-N-Out burger (yes I'm in SOCAL) but I'm only a week in so I'm still waiting for a paycheck. I have gone into my local bank of America (my bank) and asked for...
  16. Epic Wheat/ King George score!

    Epic Wheat/ King George score! PICS I finally found my first dream penny box! When I opened the box I immediately saw 2 enders ( King George VI and Wheat). Ten rolls had some kind of typing on them (on picture). Also I got 10 full rolls of USA pennies :laughing7:. The star of that box was an...
  17. What can you find in Canada or Two month summary LOTS of PICS

    Haven't posted in this forum for a while. So, I decided to take everything I found so far in the last two months, point out the finds that stand out of common and share with you, fellow hunters. This is the first time I found a silver commemorative dollar and silver halves for face value...
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