
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Dont know..

    What could it be..
  2. California Legends

    As a newbie I've been reading non-stop to learn the history of the Southwest Frontier. One thing I noticed here on TN is the vast majority of legends, finds & interests of treasure hunters have been in Arizona & New Mexico, which mainly have been Jesuit, Franciscan, Dominican Mission & Aztec era...
  3. San Diego County Gem Hunting

    I started looking for gold and silver in the back country of San Diego which I documented in my prospecting journal here ( Now I am on the hunt for gems in San...
  4. Moving Boulders to find more Gold Nuggets (a Two Toe's Adventure)

    Moving Boulders to find more Gold Nuggets a Two Toe's Adventure We return to move a boulder that's been keeping me awake at night just thinking about what might be underneath it. This boulder is sitting on Bedrock just above the main flow of the river so it could be loaded with Gold !!!! I...
  5. The Lost Ledge - Breyfogle - J. Ross Browne's 1869 Account - Part I

    Adventures in the Apache Country; A Tour Through Arizona and Sonora, with Notes on the Silver Regions of Nevada, by J. Ross Browne (New York: 1869) CHAPTER LI. THE LOST LEDGE. THERE is a class of men peculiar to our new mineral territories to whom the world has not yet done justice. In...
  6. The Lost Ledge - Breyfogle - J. Ross Browne's 1869 Account - Part II

    Part II. All attempts to find the ledge having thus failed through a strange fatality attending the discoverers, the company was compelled to abandon the enterprise. Other parties, however, undertook to find it from the general descriptions given of the locality. Three years after the death of...
  7. Please help identify these marine fossils

    I saw these in Imperial County in Southern California, USA. The fossils there are supposed to be around 6 million years old. There were lots of fossils of scallops, gastropods, and oysters mixed in with many of these cone-shaped fossils. Many of them had 4 ridged columns running the length of...
  8. Cabin at Lake Madrone in Berry Creek ( Bear Fire )

    Traveling to the Cabin at Lake Madrone in Berry Creek California during the Bear fire.
  9. Finding Gold with a Metal Detector & Breaker Bar

    Finding Gold with a Metal Detector and a Breaker Bar Jeff and Gary (Two Toe's)head to a secret spot in the mother lode to look for Gold Nuggets with the Minelab SDC 2300 and a Breaker Bar . Moving Boulder and checking underneath them has paid off in the past and using a breaker bar makes...
  10. Tim’s 2020 North Yuba River Nugget Hunt

    Follow along our journey into the happenings of Saturday July 25th 2020 at Tim's 2020 North Yuba River Nugget Hunt !!! There were many prospectors in attendance and I know I didn't get pictures or Video of everyone as they came and went thoughtout the day. There were plenty of metal detector's...
  11. Gold Detecting with Two Toe’s

    Jeff and Gary head to the California Mother lode in search of Gold Nuggets left behind by the 49er's . The search takes them up hwy 49 to a friends private Mining Claim were the hunt begins. Gary breaks out his New Minelab SDC 2300 Metal detector and starts the adventure... The guy's meet up...
  12. Hey hey, from Carson City, Nevada!!

    Thrilled to have joined this site. I am a late bloomer to this. Always loved watching shows, learning about history. I am now 50 y/o with a Jeep, no kids or husband, but a huge desire for exploring. With free time for the first time in my adult life I am anxious to get started! Have been out...
  13. Lesson Learned don’t bet with Two Toe’s

    Learned a Valuable lesson the other day on our way to the Hydraulic pit to metal detect for Gold Nuggets !!! Don't bet with Two Toe's !!!!!!!
  14. Uncovering Family Artifacts ( Sifting History )

    I return to the Family Homesite this time to Sift through the dirt looking for Family artifacts. Filmed in the Fall of 2019 we uncover a Chauffeur's pin that belonged to my Great Aunt Kathryn's husband William Ernest Thrower. The pin dates back to 1935-36 # 51927 from California. a little...
  15. Mission Santa Ines

    Mission Santa Inés is a Spanish mission located in Solvang, California, and named after St. Agnes of Rome. Founded on September 17, 1804, by Father Estévan Tapís of the Franciscan order, the mission site was chosen as a midway point between Mission Santa Barbara and Mission La Purísima The...
  16. First Gold

    I take a short trip to the Feather River to find Gold ( First Gold ) of the 2020 season !!! I didn't want to let Gary ( Two Toe's ) get to far ahead on the Gold Count !!!!! Thanks for watching
  17. Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa

    Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa is the fifth of the California mission's founded by Father Junipero Serra, September 1, 1772. The Mission is Located in downtown San Luis Obispo, California. Named after Saint Louis, Bishop of Toulouse, France.Starting in 1769, Spain built a chain of 21...
  18. Mission San Miguel Arcangel

  19. re: Cache in North Long Beach, CA

    re: Cache in North Long Beach, CA Does anyone have contact in Southern California who can check this out? Seen on Twi**er: 1/5 re: Coincidence & #dirtfishing in North Long Beach - Speaking of detecting, following was seen on one of the goldpanning/detector forums ... #90805 #metaldetector...
  20. Quartz arrowhead?

    I found this today far into the high desert California. Was laying amongst a group of other rocks. I'm assuming...and only assuming...its an arrowhead. I've done some research and some say its quartz? My question is, is it a recent arrowhead or is it years old?
  21. Recirculating Sluice ( April Update on the Gold we are finding )

    Testing a Recirculating Sluice and the April Update on what we have going on . Sneak peek at our next video !!!! Hope you enjoy the video, Jeff
  22. Metal Detecting an Old Homesite

    Metal Detecting an Old Homestead Join Jeff as he Metal Detects an Old Homesite looking for hidden Treasures. Thanks for watching , I hope you enjoyed the video, Jeff
  23. Metal Detecting a Old Homesite

    Join Jeff as he Metal Detects a Old Homesite looking for hidden Treasures. Hope you enjoy the video, and thanks for watching Jeff
  24. Button & Relic

    Found this button and iron piece today. Anyone seen anything like it? Possibly a wooden dowel or handle went through it. California Gold Country site. KG6YLL
  25. Tornado Warning with Lightning Strikes !!!

    Our second Tornado Warning here in Butte County in the last 30 days !!!! Lighting and Thunder and finally Rain !!! Make sure you watch the Lightning strike at about the 2:00 mark !!!!
  26. Tornado Warning with Lightning Strikes !!!

    Our second Tornado Warning here in Butte County in the last 30 days !!!! Lighting and Thunder and finally Rain !!! Make sure you watch the Lightning strike at about the 2:00 mark !!!! Stay safe out on the Creek Bank !!!!
  27. Winter Prospecting on the Feather

    Watch as Jeff does some winter Prospecting for Gold trying to get the jump on Gary ( Two toes ) on there yearly Gold contest !!! I only had a short window between storms so I took a short drive to the River in search of Gold.
  28. Butte County's Crazy Weather

    I was wanting to go out to the River to do a little Prospecting but the weather has been crazy here in Butte County this Winter. I couldn't even work on the next Prospecting video because the power kept going out. Filmed on 1-9-2019 under a Tornado warning !!! Crazy !!! Coming Soon : In...
  29. Plumas-Eureka State Park in Winter

    A short Video of the Park I filmed on the 7th of December. Hope you enjoy, Thanks for watching.... Jeff The historic mining area includes a museum in the miner's bunkhouse, the Mohawk Stamp Mill, Bushman five-stamp mill, stables, a blacksmith shop, and the Assay office. Located in Plumas...
  30. Doctor Rings and Things!

    Doctor Rings and Things here! I've recently made a youtube channel showcasing my various finds! I update at LEAST once a week. This is my channel I'll also be posting updates on this thread whenever I make a new video! Please subscribe and help support a fellow metal detectorist!
  31. Lost Mines - 1917 [Lost Pegleg]

    Lost Mines Every mining camp has its story of romantic discovery. Those of us who have shared the bivouac of the prospector or the warmth of the stove in a frontier hotel have heard of men that won wealth at a stroke. The poor prospector that went out as Bill or Dick is promoted to Mister or...
  32. Legends of Lost Mines - The Lost Pegleg - 1892

    Legends of Lost Mines – The Lost Pegleg - 1892 W.P.A. Mural - San Francisco A considerable amount of romance attaches to all stories of lost mines. It could not well be otherwise, as the mines spoken of as “lost” are almost invariably in some wild region full of perils of onekind or...
  33. The Lost Pegleg - 1901 Account by Charles Michelson

    Lost Gold Mines of the American West By Charles Michelson Charles Michelson was born in Virginia City, Nevada, in 1869. He ran away from his Comstock Lode home thirteen years later, eventually becoming a newspaper reporter for William Randolph Hurst’s San Francisco Examiner. In the...
  34. Southern California anything good?

    Hi guys, I have no doubt this isnt a new topic but Im from OC and im looking for somekind of treasure or interesting thing to look for. Options as far as I can tell are quite limited. Any help would be awesome. Thank you very much!
  35. Pegleg Smith - from The Mystic Mid-Region

    In 1837, a one-legged man named Smith found a mine of wonderful richness in the Colorado Desert. He was piloting a party over the desert from Yuma, when he came to three hills which rose out of the plain. Not being sure of his bearings, he mounted the tallest of the hills to get a view of the...
  36. The Lost Ship of the Desert - Major Horace Bell's Account

    Is "The Pearl Ship" the same treasure story as "The Lost Ship of the Desert?" I don't know. If not, they appear to be at least cousins. Major Horace Bell was a "rawhide Californian," who wrote a stirring book about his life and times in the early days of the Golden State. Here's what he had...
  37. Newbie'ish looking for California beach detector advice. Sand Shark + AT pro vs cz21

    I've spent the last week reading TONS of posts and have some questions. I want a detector for California beaches. Probably only in wet sand and shallow water. I wouldn't be apposed to something that is fully submersible because I could see myself getting into underwater detecting. My research...
  38. Semi Newbie checking in!

    Hey Guys! My name is Jon originally from South Dakota but currently in Orange County CA. I've considered myself a treasure hunter my entire life but really want to spend some serious time exploring/hunting California. In South Dakota i've done a little bit of everything. Metal detecting, gold...
  39. Gem Hunting Crash Course

    Hi world, I'm new to prospecting and was wondering if anyone can link me to a couple of websites that can help me learn more about it. I'm more interested in gem's after traveling the coast of California and meeting people making and selling jewellery along the beach city's. I love the outdoors...
  40. Think i finally found some stuff (California)

    Found a few things while walking on my friends property. The area has a shell midden nearby and is not far from the beach. The rock/tool has one flat side with the other side being more rounded. It also has impact marks especially on the bottom as expected. Also, there appears to be...
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