
  1. Treasure Hunting in North Africa "Tunisia"

    I'm Marlee from Tunisia, and for the past year, I've been bitten by the treasure hunting bug! The rich history of this land whispers of hidden secrets, and I'm determined to unearth some of them. The problem? Finding reliable information and experienced partners seems impossible. Everyone I...
  2. Byzantine Cross 6th - 12th century? -- Confirmation sort

    Hello everyone, I live in Paris and on the weekend i stumbled upon a tiny little antique shop filled to over flowing with every kind of item you could imagine. As i was leaving i saw a old cross in the window, the seller said it was Carolingian, 8th century around the time of Charlemagne. He...
  3. 1068 D.C. Romanus Byzantine empire 😍

    Searching for euros on the beach
  4. 11th century Byzantine lead seal (bulla)

    I found this lovely 11th century Byzantine lead seal with my older Whites 5900 di/Pro machine in the area of Missis, Turkey. These are not the seals used to mark wax, but rather, these are seals that were used to secure official government (church) documents and packages. During the...
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