buried treasure

  1. I found this but I missed the blue moon!

    Wow! I am finally cool, been waiting since high school!
  2. Buried Money in Portland Oregon

    Occasionally shifting though many treasure yarns some times you come across ones by accident. And a happy accident it was that Old Crow finds an intriguing Worm of story to peck his beak into. Not that really need to any more but old habits do die hard? Here is treasure I find interesting and...
  3. Vintage Lysol bottle found buried with lysol still corked.

    Hi 👋 found bottle buried while digging new foundation. Bottle is vintage. Still can smell the Lysol in the cork from top. It is mixed with sediment unfortunately, Over the years it must of seeped in through cork. Smells like the original disinfectant. I uploaded pictures. Interesting find...
  4. 🏆 HONORABLE MENTION Buried silver cache found

    I don’t normally post much here but I do like to frequent it here to read as there are always a great variety of stories related to all things treasure. I wanted to share what was/is probably the best detecting/ treasure hunting day of my career. I’m using an iPad so forgive the poor sentence...
  5. I hope I've picked the right forum for this. Has anyone heard of a find of bars in...

    Has anyone heard of a find of bars of gold-silver amalgam in a cave in the US? I recently read about this story and wanted to find it because my dad is interested in reading up on it. A fellow actually found this treasure. According to news reports the find consisted of bars of a mix of gold...
  6. Large Cache Found Years After Sherman's March

    This article from the St. John's Herald newspaper of June 25, 1891 tells of the recovery of a large bank cache that had been buried in advance of Sherman's March to the Sea. This week, I've read numerous old newspaper articles which tell of thousands of families and businesses that buried their...
  7. Naturallly Occuring Formation OR Manmade Treasure Marker/Sign?

    Natural occurring or weathered formation?
  8. Construction Crew Finds Cache of Buried Cannonballs

    Cannonballs found at old civil war arsenal in Pittsburgh - WTRF 7 News Sports Weather - Wheeling Steubenville
  9. Suspected treasure chest?? Should i check inside?

    along the stream in my backyard, where i take my walk everyday there are plenty of fallen trees that lay right across the stream, the banks are so high that i jump down and walk right under the fallen tree. I noticed a huge metal structure that is right under where the tree has fallen. It...
  10. Kimberlite pipe in georgia

    Ive been prospecting for diamonds and boy have i been lucky. On my property.
  11. 313 Legends indexed on a modern map of California...

    New book by Academia Maps, released on Amazon in March, 2015. "Lost Treasures of California - Map & Guide"
  12. Looking For investor to Finance a Trip to the Phillipines

    From October 2013 through January 2014 I was in the Phillipines on unrelated business............. (Removed by mod)
  13. Jose Gaspar - A Real Pirate?

    Was there really a pirate named Jose Gaspar? I have never found any real evidence he lived. Does anyone found evidence to the contrary? Was he a real pirate? Just for an example, I did not find any reference to such a person in The Pirates of the New England Coast 1630-1730 by Dow and...
  14. Pirates Buried Treasure

    Pirate's Buried Treasure Hey all! I'm new to the site, and other than beach combing, and arrowhead searching, new to hunting in general. I stumbled upon a website called Pirate's Buried Treasures (with an 'S' on treasures). What it LOOKS like is a sort of geocache game. It looks like you...
  15. ✅ SOLVED Need help IDing Worlds Fair Item

    Need help ID'ing World's Fair Item Hey, fellow treasure hunters! I found this item from the Chicago World's Fair in the ruins of an old PA farmhouse. I have had no success in my research to determine what it was originally or what it might be worth. :icon_scratch: If you have any ideas, that...
  16. Miners Needle: Hillside Carvings, Symbols, Numerology by Aztec & Jesuit

    I have 100% absolute proof the Aztec was in the Superstition Mountains. I have contacted Arizona Museum of Natural History, The State of Arizona and The Department of the Interior. Hidden in Plain Sight. I stumbled acrossed it looking for something else. After it is Documented... The World WILL...
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