
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Civil War Bullets?

    Hi all! I did some digging at a former Union camp along the Potomac, and found some lead including a Williams Type I. Two pieces are new to me though, but I'm sure someone here knows exactly what they are. The bigger one is .550" diameter and .675" long. The smaller one is .345" diameter and...
  2. oh a bullet. another bullet! another bullet!! ANOTHER BULLET!!!!

    so yea took the vx3 out again and decided to dig all good repeatable no matter the VDI number and yea wont be doing that again. for a while anyways. thank god i am in fl and digging is not do bad! i remember digging up north my arms where hurting at times lol anyways there are some slugs there...
  3. Can anyone help ID these bullets

    I got a long time ago at an auction? Thanks for any info!!
  4. ✅ SOLVED Metal detecting area of newly aquired home in VA

    So, Ive hunted alot now that I am in Va, as well as while fixing a door to the dirt basement came across a circle dent in my outer wall- there was a battle nearby within a few miles of my home. The age of my home I am unsure as its got many add ons to it, but it does look like it got hit by a...
  5. Cool Arizona Desert Find!

    I found these live .50 Caliber Browning Machine gun rounds in the Arizona desert at the end of last season. I had found several casings before but these were the first live rounds I had detected. General Patton trained his troops all over the Western deserts of Arizona and Eastern California and...
  6. Civil War Bullets?

    A few bullets (I think) around NW GA old farm land. They look similar to Civil War era rounds but most of the pictures I?ve seen have more pronounced ridges around them... Any idea what period these bullets are from (if they are bullets?) One looks impacted like it was fired. Fairly heavy and...
  7. First flat button & other relics!

    Headed back to the cellar hole today, the house was used during the civil war as a headquarters/ fort. I’ve pulled bullets, eagle buttons, and other items from here. The signals are becoming few and far between. Very hard to find anything worth digging so I’ve started digging every tone no...
  8. First flat button & other relics!

    Headed back to the cellar hole today, the house was used during the civil war as a headquarters/ fort. I’ve pulled bullets, eagle buttons, and other items from here. The signals are becoming few and far between. Very hard to find anything worth digging so I’ve started digging every tone no...
  9. If it looks like a bullet?

    Ok posted this in a few places no answers yet. The base is fixed the stem inside is round. Also no hole on the bottom. Plug on right is metal was on top. Bottom appears to be sink. Top part over grove is cardboard or soft lead.

    I had the pleasure of detecting a property situated on the frontlines of the civil war battlefield today. I found some interesting buckles and Id love to know more about them. If you have any information on what they went to, let me know. Ex. Belt, gun sling, bags, etc! I want to find the exact...

    Here is some miscellaneous lead I’ve dug on the battlefield. A lot of them look like lead artillery sabbot fragments. But my strangest find is this lead tube. I joked with my girlfriend that a soldier carried it on a rope. But in all honesty I’m not sure what it is. I’d love to have this mystery...
  12. 2 dropped 3 ringer day in wv...

    Not a bad short hunt, proving there's always finds left doesn't matter how many times you hit as place... Third hunt with the equinox 800 After retiring the at pro... Great machine!!! Any opinions on the buttons age would be great, found in the civil war area?
  13. First actual outing - civil war bullet?

    This was our first time out using our new equipment (not including our backyard adventure yesterday). Anyone a bullet expert?
  14. Equinox target id's for civil war relics?

    anyone have Equinox Target ID's for civil war relics, especially breast plates, buttons, bullets, shell casings and CSA buckles?
  15. Battlefield Archeologist - Pea Ridge, AR

    Battlefield Archeology - Pea Ridge, AR Ok guys, sorry I've been so slow in getting to posting this. As I told you guys a couple of months ago I was contacted by the National Parks Service and asked to help them and the Arkansas Archeological Survey recover some artifacts on the Pea Ridge...
  16. Civil war relics everywhere.

    I think we've found a camp. I've dug more civil war relics this month than all of last year.
  17. The wife made me go.

    I haven't had much luck finding new places to hunt lately and hadn't even bothered putting much effort into hunting lately since most of my places have dried up. And to be quite honest I was a little burnt out because of it, but today my wife told me I needed to go because she could tell I was...
  18. Southwest Missouri Civil War Camp finds

    I recently found a new Camp in Southwest Missouri. So far we have found 11 .69 caliber Minies and 8 flat/coin Buttons. the picture is only what I have found The weeds are as tall as I am so we are waiting for the Property owner to burn them.
  19. A Few Whats-its and Two Bullets From Metal Detecting a Beach near Coast Guard Station

    I went to a public beach near a Coast Guard station 10 minutes down the road to metal detect there with my Garrett Ace 250 again... I found 7 different lead fishing weights/sinkers, a modern quarter and a 1959 memorial penny, some trash, and the stuff pictured below My dad believes these are...
  20. Found old bullets can anyone identify?

    I was walking through some Native American land on the coast of central California. I typically find arrowheads and other small native treasures. Today I found these bullets. They are very heavy for their size. I'm not sure if they were Native American era or if they came after. Could they have...
  21. ✅ SOLVED Can you identify these bullets/ bullet & pellet?

    I would like someone to help me identify these bullets/ maybe the smaller pellet either by positively identifying them or guiding me to a source where I could possibly research them myself. I am a beginner when it comes to identifying artifacts that I find from metal detecting that do not have...
  22. Many Minnie Balls

    Today was the best day EVER!!! Not only did I sell my Saloon Token for over $480, I finally found my first skirmish site that still had a few goodies left. I found more Civil War bullets today than I had in my entire collection. Somebody pinch me.
  23. NJ stream gives up A TON of bullets and two strange mystery objects!!

    Been having unusually warm weather over the weekend in NJ so I decided to throw on the waders and see what this old stream near me had to offer. I don't normally have luck in streams due to the thick silt that tends to build up but this one had large boulders in it which proved to be way more...
  24. Surpassed $10 in Clad and Added to the Bullet Pile!

    Hey everyone, It has been a while since I have been on the site and posted my finds (partially due to the winter weather :)) so bare with me if I am a bit rusty at my thread post. My Father and I went out yesterday (2/20) to 2 different sites to hunt. First we went to this low-key city park...
  25. ✅ SOLVED Can anyone tell me if these bullets are old

    I found these in the woods in a town established in the 1700's. I know they are revelutionary but they could be old. There is no writing on them but there is small lines on them from the barrel they came out of. Also there was an old Nike base not to far from where I found them. They were buried...
  26. Bang...bang! Stockpile of bullets about a foot deep? 1683 Mass Property

    Good evening, friends, John found a whole bunch of bullets in a hole about 16 inches wide and about a foot down. They are 1-5/16 inches long and 3/8 inches wide. Would anyone know an approximate date for these? I wonder why they were all together like that. He also found a cute sheep or lamb...
  27. Jewelry fragments, Large Cent, Silver--1683 Mass Property

    Hi everybody, hope you are well. I am posting a few jewelry fragment finds, as well as a beautiful butterfly hair barrette fragment, and a pretty nice 1830 large cent. John dug these over the weekend. I'd love to be able to date the butterfly barrette, but I can't find any legitimate antique...
  28. What is it ?

    Hey guys I bought a box full of ammo. I can date most because its mostly casings. But I have never seen these before. They are very crudely made. There a really weird shape too. Thanks, Landon
  29. What type of bullet ?

    Hey guys I bought a box full of old ammo. I am able to date most of it. This one seems civil war to me. I live in WI so I dont know much about civil war stuff. (Pics below) Thanks, Landon
  30. WW1 camp site

    So I found some WW1 bullets in a new site I researched the other day in MA from an old training camp.. Was interesting and was getting tons of hits everywhere. Only got an hr in, ticks were not good, got some permethrin for clothes and will try again tomorrow. Not sure what the tag is from...
  31. ✅ SOLVED Lug Nuts? Hollow Point Bullets? Junk Barn Find.

    Barn find. Don't know what they are. Each one is different. Three are hollow. Appears to be stainless. Guesses?
  32. Heres the majority of what I found at the Airfield

    Here's the majority of what I found at the Airfield
  33. An Old Coors Can and A .35cal Bullet!

    The bullet on the left is a .35 cal and the one on the right is a .45 cal. Anyone know how old these are? I did some research and found out this is a Prototype Coors can from 1975.
  34. My first journey with metal detector in forest

    My first finds. There is 75 mm russian T-34 bullet, Mosin Nagant and few STG 44 bullets. My english is a bit low, don't hate me :)
  35. What turned up today

    Here's what turned up today. Nine 30.06 rifle cartridges (seven in the holder and two were loose), 1 single .22 cal round (fired), two .357 cal bullets (fired), three intact .45 cal bullets (fired) and two "slightly distorted" .45 cal bullets. The object on the left is a mystery. It indicated a...
  36. New Girl from Savannah

    Hello, all. I have enjoyed the photos on this site for a couple of years now. Forgive me for lurking and in advance for any newbie breaches of forum etiquette. I have gathered quite a few "treasures" over my years, but very little official knowledge as far as identification for a lot of them. I...
  37. Old Rimfire Cartridge

    I found this old Rim fire Cartridge while metal detecting in my back yard. I noticed it had a "U" emblem on the end and I was looking for what it could be and noticed that it was pretty old. I found some post showing that it could have been made during the 1860's up to 1930's-1940's. I was...
  38. I found two bullets in NE, Ohio. Are they Civil War era bullets?

    I found these bullets in my field in north east, Ohio. I hope that helps!
  39. Two Three Ring Civil War Bullets

    [Solved] Two Three Ring Civil War Bullets I recently found these two Three Ring Bullets. One has a flat top, one is cone shaped. I want to know if these bullets are genuine. http://db.tt/rWmQ6aEI
  40. Civil War Bullet(s)s Found two Days ago!!

    Hey All, This week has been great. I posted my find on the Large Cent I found yesterday :headbang:, however I needed to post my finds of the Bullet(s) I found at the same home site the day before that. :hello2: I need a little help ID'ing the second one (pice 2 and 3). Here are the Pics...
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