bronze age

  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Bronze sword/dagger kicked up onto a beach from a storm.

    Can anyone identify this bronze sword/ dagger that was kicked up on a beach and located while metal detecting on a beach in Pemaquid Maine? It was brought to a local museum who examined it and believed it was really old. There are islands not far from this location that have possible Norse...
  2. What period is this ring from?

    A friend found this ring in their garden the other day, searched the interned for days in order to find analogies, but nothing turned up. Even asked some friends who have more experience with such kind of finds: one of them said that it could be bronze age/Roman, the other said that it's from...
  3. My oldest (metallic) find ever! Bronze age axe

    Hi all Went out to one of my permissions on Thursday morning, hoping to get an hour's detecting in between showers. To be honest, I wasn't expecting to find anything much. First signal was a little medallion/medal which said something like 38th Boston Encampt. (any ideas?) Got a good signal a...
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