brass buttons

  1. Old brass button help....military? French?

    So, I have been researching these buttons on and off for months now. I gave up a little while back but recently I stumbled upon something that made me go back to doing research. The buttons are brass shanks. The front has an artillery image, a crown and fleur de lis. I want to say they are...
  2. New Member

    Hi, I'm a new member to TreasureNet. I found the site while looking for information on a "DOZFIT" button I found in a jar full of old buttons. Over the years I have collected many interesting pieces of history while on family genealogy searches, but none I can say I actually dug up myself. Im...
  3. Civil War button? Bridle brass? Other?

    I found this on an old farmstead south of Franklin TN in an area that I have been told was occupied during the Civil War. It appears to be brass and has a laurel wreath on the parameter of the piece. The piece is also not symetrical which makes me wonder if the differences in sides may lend a...
  4. Can anyone tell me anything about these buttons?

    I got a bag of brass buttons at a yard sale and these are some of them. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you.