
  1. For the first time in nearly 3 years.

    I cant believe it! i just received a call from my pops that I can finally search half’s! Backstory: In 2019-2020, I was a major time coin hunter, every day, if not every moment. I had unimaginable luck, and I especially liked half dollars. due to covid, my streak was heavily lost due to the...
  2. ✅ SOLVED Is this a Telegraph in an 11 lb metal box?

    Found this metal box with key. It's painted red on inside. Weight- It's very heavy- about 11 pounds. Stamped into the metal on bottom: 1416; Made in Germany. On the center of bottom is a metal bell-like thing that appears to be brass. I think it is a telegraph but not sure. ALso, I found...
  3. ✅ SOLVED Handmade Wood Safe Box with a Boxfull of Questions... Any Guesses?

    UPDATING: This might be a Japanese Kaidan-dansu / Tansu chest. --Today I found this nice handmade wood box. Has a unique brass butterfly lock with keyhole cover. It has a long key with catch-and-pull mechanism to lock and unlock. I think this is a "trick lock". The top detaches from...
  4. ✅ SOLVED Mysterious Glass Box - E Pluribus Unum / Eagle, any suggestions?

    My friend picked this box up at a sale just out of curiosity, thinking it would be easy to research but it hasn't been easy at all.. I've tried a few obvious searches but found nothing so far.. Sorry for the semi-bad cell phone pics.. I do not have the box in front of me at the moment but from...
  5. Ivory and wood hinged box? carving inside... help..what is it?

    ANy thoughts? It looks like a wooden box/book with a carving on the inside. wedding scene? catholic? thanks!
  6. Trying out the Keene A52 Sluice Box

    Heya everyone; So today I got to play with a Keene A52 sluice box. I only ran 1 bucket of material and some of it was overburden from sniping. It seems like I caught all of the gold that I put through as I didnt see anything more after the half way mark on the sluice. I wanted to ask, how...
  7. Forum noobs first box!

    So I recently stumbled onto the concept of this coin roll hunting and was immediately interested, so I went ahead and ordered me a box from my lifelong banking institution. It came in and I got to checking it out and lo and behold - four '64s and forty three 40%ers. I'm hooked.... So much so...
  8. Entire box of reverses for enders

    I've been buying halves in MWR at one of my banks 5 rolls at a time and every single one has had a 2000 or 2001 reverse showing on both sides. I thought this was odd and what is even stranger is the teller keeps telling me that these halves have already been searched for silver. I didn't believe...
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