bottle digging

  1. Found a ring while digging bottles in Minnesota during a snowstorm didn't find much for the effort I put in though but was fun anyways.... Info 4 ring

    Any info on this ring I show it to a friend and they said that the missing piece was a four-leaf clover and that it's a Celtic ring from 1910 but I'm not sure if I trust the info what are you guys think... Also I found that pan it's got these weird symbols that were purposefully scratched inside...
  2. Hey was taking bottles about 1892 1940 in Minnesota and I found this pan and it has some strange symbols in it... Any ideas on what's going on?

    It was 6 ft deep I'm hoping that there was a moonshiner / farmer who buried some loot or stash some money here near where the bottle dump is and maybe scratch some symbols and some junk at the time so later when he's digging the stuff up and finds a junk it reminds him exactly where to go and...
  3. Listerine Bottle Age

    The bottle says “ Listerine Lambert Pharmacal Company” and at the bottom it is a diamond with the number 500 in the center. I understand that this is Illinois Glass Co. and I’m led to believe the number 500 is the catalog number. I am having a difficult time finding the exact year for this...
  4. SlideShow_14_21_59.mp4


    Assorted cobalt blue bottles found digging.
  5. Bottle bump talk & show off your best finds

  6. First bottle cleaning Happy Holidays!

  7. Looking for bottle digging buddy

    Hi guys…I love to bottle dig and treasure hunt! With that being said I am looking for a. New bottle digging buddy. If anyone is interested message me. Happy digging!!
  8. Bottle Found with Mark on the Bottom?

    Hi Everyone! I was helping plant some trees today and when we were digging the holes, this little bottle popped out on the side. It's amazing we didn't smash its with the shovel and it came out looking very nice! I'm curious if anyone knows what this bottle was used for, it's age, or anything...
  9. Recent backyard find...need guidance!

    I was digging a hole to plant a new mint plant in my back yard recently. Ground was extremely hard so i was digging deep to find good soil. About 2.5 ft I hit an old concrete slab. Directly underneath was old wood planking (resembling old wood floor). Under the wood I pulled up an old medicine...
  10. FORGOTTEN BOOKS for the METAL DETECTORISTS, 3 groups and a CW Regiment group

    Go to Facebook and type in FORGOTTEN BOOKS for the Metal Detectorists; FORGOTTEN BOOKS for the Metal Detectorists, part 2 and for West of the Mississippi: FORGOTTEN BOOKS for the Metal Detectorists, West. For the Civil War relic hunters: Civil War Regiment Book group. There are 1,000's of books...
  11. First blown bottle of the year...

    Hey Everyone, 'Had a freakishly warm day, the ground became soft enough to dig for a matter of hours before hardening again, so I got out there and got into it. It was a dump that I already knew of but never tried digging. There was plenty of stuff from the 40s-60s that I was scraping around...
  12. My First Privy Dig

    Hey Y'all, I thought I'd share my first privy dig with you guys, from October 23rd, 2015. Since I shared that repaired transferware pitcher with you I might as well show you what else I found that day. One thing I do regret is not taking enough pictures. But I was having so much fun that I...
  13. Strange shaped bottle dug

    While digging In my usual spot I pulled out this. Any ideas what it may have contained? :icon_scratch: The mark on the bottom is an "N" in a rounded corner rectangle shape. Obear-Nestor Glass Company, East St. Louis, Illinois (1894-1978)
  14. bottles and jars I found over the weekend

    here are some bottles I found this weekend at a bottle dump i located in the woods. I know these are fairly new, but I like finding newer ones rather than older bottles, its just my preference. there are a few vaseline jars, ammonia bottle, jars, and others
  15. perfume bottle?? need help with id

    small bottle with the "moon glow" on the bottom. I'm thinking perfume, nail polish, or some other cosmetic bottle. Any other ideas?
  16. need help identifying this bottle

    can anyone identify this for me? thanks!
  17. If Youre In Brooklyn/Manhattan You Might Have Bottles In Your Yard!

    If You're In Brooklyn/Manhattan You Might Have Bottles In Your Yard! Im mike (chinchillaman1 on youtube) Im a bottle digger / collector. I made this post to inform those living in or around the 5 boroughs of new york that you may potentially have a bunch of bottles buried in your yard! In the...
  18. 1890s trash pit in my backyard!

    My house is from the 1860s but has fill dirt in half the yard. But, In the small wooded part there is no fill dirt but in some places dirt has been took away. Well, anyway we started detecting in the woods and got a strong hit. We dug a foot and found a lantern. After research, I discovered the...
  19. New bottle dump found

    I'm pretty new to bottle digging and this website as well. I'm from New Hampshire and Vermont, but I recently found a small bottle dump and I've slowly been digging it in my free time. I've found lots of medicine, ink, and whiskey bottles, and canning jars. A lot of common bottles but a few good...
  20. Two great bottles found Dead Horse Bay

    I have found numerous antique bottles at dead horse bay, I have about 50 vintage not cracked different types bottles small and big I found digging there here are two them. Does anyone know about Dr Reiss celery soda? the other is a Benedictine bottle from the 1930's I believe.
  21. How old is this bottle?

    It was found digging around in our front yard. It has the sheen to it that I've seen in older bottles, but I have no clue where to start with IDing the approximate year. Front and back are shown. Thanks!
  22. hello from New Baltimore,Michigan

    hello! My name is Katerina I did city exploration,spelestology and treasure hunting(i had metal detector,but dont remember brand) from 1996 I moved to Michigan in 2008 and have no company or friends who would be interested in it I like creating,so i do a lot of crafting using stuff i found...
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