
  1. Rust non magnetic

    Heavy hard rock dulls a file quickly, oxidized but not magnetic
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Strange pebble found in a forest stream in Quebec, Canada

    Hi, I found this black pebble a couple of years ago and it was the only pebble in the zone in wich I found it. Does someone know what it is?
  3. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Possible Type of Black Jade? Just Pictures(Yeah, I know...)

    While arrowhead hunting, I came across this smooth, black, semi-shiny rock, that I originally picked up as a meteowrong. At first I didn't know if the smooth black surface was fusion crust, and didn't see obvious any regmaglypts, but upon handling the stone thats size and shape are almost...
  4. Unknown painted pottery?

    Hello, does anyone recognize the markings on these pottery ? The inner layer of the pottery appears to be a sandstone color clay and the outer is red clay, with black geo shapes. I found these pieces in rio rancho new mexico. very close to home. My daughters history teacher thinks it may be...
  5. Help me identify

    I was at work playing in my excavator when I came across this rock some of it is a matte black other parts of it are super shiny almost like glass but there is like a thumb print indent in one of them with goldish glittery Rock substance of sorts I've always been a random rock collector since I...
  6. interesting composite coal like rock with white veins and gold streaks in lake Erie

    Hi all ~ I have found a very interesting rock on the shore of Lake Erie and am curious if anyone has ideas as to what it might be. I know nothing really about geology and rock identification but this seemed like a good place to start. The place where it was found is called Evangola State Park...
  7. What do I have here?

    Found this beautiful specimen on the Mattole River (northern CA coast) it has some beautiful colors and shapes to it! Any ideas or info would be greatly appreciated!
  8. Shiny Black Beach Rock

    Went to the beach a few days back and found some gorgerous rocks. I've looked through my rock identification books, but I'm more of a shell expert. Anyone know what's up with this baby? It's insanely smooth and not at all brittle. It's black and the flat bits shine in the light, but there are...
  9. ✅ SOLVED flaky Rock with crystals I found in my garden

    Hi, I'm new but I heart rocks! Wish I knew more about the lovely rocks I find in my garden! Today I found a rock that has a bunch of white crystal like pieces. I pinched one of them and it broke off in my hand. It's got alot of shiny black in it too.. and its shine flashes like gold when I...
  10. Help identifying tan rock black on inside

    Hi guys, I'm new here. Found this forum while doing research trying to identify these rocks. Hi All! These rocks are tan on the outside with black/dark blue/purple on the inside. Very heavy (what rock isn't lol). One is about 6 oz, one is 3 oz, and one is 1.1 oz. I live in east Tennessee, in...
  11. Dark blackish blue transparent stone

    I found this while digging a creek bed in Central Kansas Today. There is no way it is obsidian or flint by its color and transparency but I'm not too sure what forms the cubical fracture patterns. When I first discovered these pieces it was a single pane of cubical glass like dark gray stone. it...
  12. Poor Placer/Mineral Prospectors DIY Plans

    As a prospector who happens to have a mineral claim, but also likes to placer mine and just pan at times, I thought I'd gather my thoughts here and spell out what I plan to do. Keeping in mind that a person past 50 living on a very modest fixed income doesn't have a big budget for the "toys"...
  13. Green/Black rock...What is it?

    I have a rock that is green and black. The black part has an oily feel and sheen that make it look purplish. Any ideas what it is?
  14. Strange Stone Found Underneath old Tree

    I was in a deep, dry, river bed digging underneath an old Bay tree where the water had washed away much of the earth beneath the tree. I came accross this specimen, Covered in shiny black rods going in every direction. between the rods were small splotches of gold and silver color that sparkled...
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