
  1. Big Blue German Bennington Marble

    Was digging at one of my spots today and unearthed this big blue ceramic marble. It is 1.25 inches in size, and is the largest clay marble I have ever found. These big salt-glazed clay marbles were made in Imperial Germany by the millions starting in the 1870's. They came in several colors...
  2. 14K Gold Ring

    14K Gold Ring

    9.8 Grams of 14K gold. Found while looking for bottles. I went looking for glass, and found gold.
  3. Gold Ring, Silver Ring, and Coins

    All from this evening. $1.52 clad coins, small sterling silver ring, big 14k gold ring In situ: 9.8 grams
  4. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Found a Roman Coin

    Does anybody know if it is Roman and possibly from what year? Also, does this hold any value?
  5. Another Newfoundland "Largie" found!!

    Found another Newfoundland one cent coin. It is one of the best conditioned large cents I have found so far. Oh! And it's another Victorian era coin. The sixth oldest in my collection of dug coins. :thumbsup::hello2:
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