
  1. Anyone who wants a fluidbed sluice.....

    On ebay the Gold Reaper Sluice is avail. check out the reviews......they glow there's a contact number in there, text me for a stand. happy hunting Don
  2. Place to Sluice Near Jamestown, CA

    Hello All! I bought a mini bazooka gold sluice around 4 years ago, but never had the time to use it. My family is traveling to Pine Mountain Lake this weekend and we are looking for a nice spot along the river to relax, have a picnic. I would like to use my sluice also! I have poked around...
  3. Bazooka Goldtrap out of business? Really no Black Friday discount?

    Hey guys do you have a email address from the Bazooka Gold Trap Company? Just wanted to order a Bazooka Gold Trap Prospector 36" and asked them if they offer some sort of discount for Black Friday / Cyber Monday. A couple of days ago I've contacted them through their contact form and facebook...
  4. made diy bazooka mini trap sluice plans for laser cutter

    Since tax, customs and shipping to europe is ridiculously expensive I've made a simple design based on the Bazooka Mini Trap Sluice. Everyone with access to a small table top CNC or Laser Cutter could make it. Had to guess the dimensions based on pics and some info from various forums. Here's...

    BAZOOKA Fans, You guys win. I ordered and received my 36 inch Sniper a couple weeks ago. All things considered, it is one of the finest products I have ever purchased. Having been in the Industrial Design trade until retirement, I know about product development. It is hard to hit a home...
  6. Kern River Shenanigans

    Hi TreasureNet, Been a longtime lurker of these forums and thought I'd finally make an account and share a recent trip with two of my brothers! I've only just started prospecting seriously this summer, and now I can't stop thinking about it! Guess the fever's hit me. :laughing7: Anyway, here...
  7. Gould Bazooka Dredge

    I am seriously considering buying a 4 inch gould bazooka dredge and was wondering if anyone here has any experience with it? The main reason I want it is that it is portable with the ability to process as much as a 4 inch dredge can. I read a few postings on a few websites but you can never get...
  8. Passing thru Oregon in 2 weeks, and I hope to run my sluice, anyone got any Advice?

    Howdy Tnet Guys and Gals! My family and I are headed from Seattle to Mount Shasta for a family camping trip. I am hoping to do a little prospecting on the way, and my wife is all for it. I am looking for some advice on public/permissible locations that my wife, our 14 year old son (my...
  9. Setting Up Your Bazooka Gold Traps

    We've tweaked and reformatted the Bazooka Instructions, adding a few pointers as well. We'd love for you all to take a look.. And if the Bazooka Guru's here see anything missing, please feel free to post suggestions.
  10. The Miner

    (Hopefully) users will post their comments and questions about the Miner models in this new thread.. :thumbsup:
  11. The Prospector

    (Hopefully) users will post their comments and questions about the Prospector models in this new thread.. :thumbsup:
  12. The Sniper

    (Hopefully) users will post their questions and comments about The Sniper models in this new thread.. :thumbsup:
  13. The Mini & Super Mini

    (Hopefully) users will post their comments and questions about the Mini models in this new thread. :thumbsup:
  14. Bazooka Gold Trap

    Guess who's got their own forum now? Bazooka Gold Trap :icon_thumright: BGC
  15. Bazooka gold trap 24"

    Just had a few questions about these. Looking to buy one and not sure What size IDE be happy with. Tryin to stay on the cheaper side of things But I'm worried about going to small and being u happy. What's the most efficient and effective Size for the guy with a bucket and a shovel. I want to...
  16. Yuba Gold!

    I love spending time out on the river. Whether it be fishing, swimming or gold prospecting... a day on the water is always a good one! To make my day even better my pops, 9 year old son, 8 year old daughter, and 2cmorau went out to his claim on the Yuba. I set the Bazooka up for the kids to...
  17. A good day for Gold!

    Took the entire family (Mom, dad, wife and two kids) to meet up with GravelWasher down on the American River. What a great day! Mom and wife sat in chairs and emptied buckets into the Bazooka sluice. Dad was a digging machine and I ran bucket back and forth. managed to dig a large hole down...
  18. Should i mod my A-52 or just but a bazooka sluice?

    Hay guys I thought i would pick your brains today, this is my first post but anyways. I have a keene A-52 right now and im finding gold with it, i was thinking about adding a top runner to it so i dont have to classifie anymore im in the kern river lots of water flow or should i just buy the...
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