
  1. 1900 β€œO” Barber Dime

    1900 β€œO” Barber Dime for the win this past weekend while searching for Civil War Relics.
  2. First Day With AT MAX--From 250 Silver!

    I am just posting this, but I just went from a 250 to the AT MAX a serious upgrade 2 weeks ago! I got this beauty in nearly mint condition here in CT at a ball field within the hour! This is my first Barber Dime
  3. Silver dimes trifecta

    Well, I came up short on getting my first grand slam. I'd recently been hunting a back corner of one of my favorite parks and finding wheats. I returned yesterday evening and dug a nice Merc first hole. Three more wheats, a '41 nickel and a Rosie. Last keeper was a well worn Barber dime...
  4. My first Barber Half Dollar

    I got to slip out for a bit yesterday evening and was hunting the back yard of one of my neighbors up the street. There were prior homesteads in the same location and and it's produced a few goodies before. Among a bunch of scattered brass lamp parts and old mason jar lids if found my first...
  5. I'd have called you a liar.

    A couple of weeks ago I started a thread about possibly taking a detecting road trip and tried to get other TNET members involved. Unfortunately, though not unexpectedly, treasure hunters being treasure hunters, not many ideas or invites were offered. That's ok though because it turned out to be...
  6. We've waged The Silver War

    Amanda and I have officially waged war on silver. Particularly silver coins. Sure we'll take silver jewelry and gold but this silver war is personal. The first coin in our sights is a mercury dime and if you make it far enough through this video you may see us detect our first one. The first...
  7. My first barber, and my oldest coin.

    I decided to go out last night after work. I hit a park that has been yielding me a lot of silver for no apparent reason. About three minutes in (no exaggeration), I dig my first hole. I was slightly hesitant, as the signal was not as solid as I normally like. Anyway, I cut the plug and about...
  8. Five Barber day

    I found myself today, out on the field. It was a mild sunny day in December, in good old Massachusetts. There I stood with my E-trac in one hand, and a nice steamy Cumberland Farms coffee in the other. As I stood there and took in the scenery I knew it was going to be a good day. Aside from...
  9. new to TN. A day of firsts!

    Hey guys. Today I hunted a small park located in a northern suburb of Chicago. I was able to cross some finds off my bucket list including a barber dime, indian head penny, and a token. After doing some research I determined that the token was to a vintage peep show joint called bare assets...
  10. One of my favorite finds

    I really enjoyed this find, it's the second barber dime I have found but this one looked really amazing as I flipped up the soil , this find was last year still fresh in my mind
  11. Barber and Indian Artifacts

    Returned to the 1870 tree farm house. Used my smaller coil today and found my first Barber dime! It was absolutely beautiful! Dug a few more wheats. Finished the day walking my creek site for Indiana artifacts. It has been challenging because the fields are no till. I found a reworked point...
  12. Great Hunt at some old houses. Couple barbers + more

    Hello everyone i just wanted to share my good turn out today at some old houses in Salt lake city Utah, Using my exterra-70 i found some nice old coins here's what they are. ~1905 Barber quarter~ ~1893 barber dime~ ~1905 Indian head cent~ ~1929 Canadian 10 cent~ ~13 wheat Cents, oldest was...
  13. 2nd Silver from vacant lot where house used to be

    I didn't post a few weeks ago when I dug my first silver coin, so this actually makes my second so far. There is a grassy lot right in town where I live where 2 houses used to stand. I had never hit that spot because I didn't know whose land it was. When I was informed the town owned it I was...
  14. Former mining village and fathers yard

    Former mining village and father's yard Today I decided to hunt in an area where company houses from one of the Pennsylvania coal co mines use to stand. The houses were demolished in the 1940s I beleive. Today was just a test hunt and I ended up with a pocket knife and a small token or button...
  15. My best yard hunt this year.

    Found these in a 20' by 30' area at the front of a yard. The back of the yard turned to fill after that area and these all came from the small area in the front. It was a good day!
  16. Gorgeous Barber half from yard.

    Found this a couple of weeks ago. I found 2 barber halves last year but this is by far the best condition and I can read LIBERTY on the head ribbon/band. Made my day!Glad I got the Etrac last year!
  17. Beautiful Day for a Trifecta and more..with video

    Hello All! It was just a beautiful day yesterday and I had a great time detecting. I finally won one over at the park closest to my house where silver has eluded me until now. Also hit up a new spot after some research the night before and it paid off! It was a great day, 60 degrees, alot of...
  18. Catch Up Post #2 for the last three months

    Excluding the last trip, these are my finds over the last three months. A few of the coins were repeats. I am home for Thanksgiving and had time to post coin pictures. Not pictured are a 1870 indian and a 1912 D wheat, which were cased and put away. Also not pictured are ~300 common date wheats...
  19. Finally! Some old silver and maybe a gold ring

    Found my first Barber quarter today! It was "glued" to a buffalo. Can't read the dates yet but they are soaking in oil. Any other cleaning suggestions? i also dug two rings today. One is kid's silver fish ring. The other got my heart pumping! It has two markings. One says GN20. I can't...
  20. Catch up post with lots of silver

    These coins were found over two weekends in June.
  21. First Silver Coin!!!

    Whahoooo! I dug my first silver coin on fathers day. I haven't had a chance to download the photos until today. I hunted a permissioned property in Wharton county which is about an hour and a half out of Houston. I had stopped there before with my son to ask permission and did a test run with a...
  22. Found The Older Brother Barber

    Went out with my good friend Hi Ho Silver for a half day. We found some really nice coins and relics. Second barber half in one week! Also, an error mercury dime, a semi-key wheat, a burnt seated, and an eagle button. GI
  23. Lots of silver!!!

    Spent a day and a half detecting and ended up with a large amount of old coins. GI
  24. Lots of Old Coins! Silvers & Indians!

    Here are coins from the last metal detecting trip. Looking forward to posting again. Dates and pictures of coins are posted. I'll clean them up this weekend. G.I.
  25. Nice masked Barber!

    I first got a nickel signal on the XP Deus at the park. After digging a piece of old tin, I ran the coil over the hole one more time before covering it and that time I got a sweet, silky tone with a VDI of 91 (at 12KHz)! I dug maybe one more inch and found this 1900 Barber dime in great shape...
  26. Great Metal Detecting Site!

    I have only been at this site for three days and have found a 1904 dime, a 1919 nickel,a 1915 D penny, a 1913 penny, a 1956 D penny, and a 1959 penny. Here is a link to pics of the 1904 Dime, 1919 nickel., and 1915D penny...
  27. Silver, Buffalo, and wheat all in same hole

    NOTE: After taking photos of my 1915D wheat cent I lost it in my house, I know it will probably turn up sometime though. Just a day ago I found my first wheat penny, buffalo nickel, and barber dime (my fist silver coin), all in the same hole. The date of the wheat was 1915 D the date of the...
  28. Finally Found The Shine plus 10K

    Went out saturday with a buddy of mine and his wife to hit up his grandmothers yard. She said the house was built in either the 1920's or 1930's. He said he went one time before for just a few minutes before dark and found a couple wheat pennies so we was hopeful and waiting for the nice weather...
  29. Cabin Fever: Coin Fest

    UPDATE: Cabin Fever-Coin Fest Got out for a couple days while the weather was warm. Here are the finds. Several indians, silvers, wheats, and two lcs. Posted new pictures of the coins and tokens/misc. No rare dates. However, found 3 1909 wheats.
  30. Two weekend trips: lots of old coins/relics

    Last two weekend trips of the year. Looking forward to next year.
  31. Catch Up Post: Lots Of Old Coins

    I finally have had time to post coins from the past month. Cleaning took forever... Dates of the coins are in the pictures. Four of the seated dimes were found in one park. Enjoy
  32. Jackpot!!! IV: Walking Ben and Ken to the Barber (Silver piXXX inside)

    I got a haircut today: I found this 1898 Barber half while searching through the second to last roll of $250 in string and sons (yellow roll). It was the sole coin found from the batch, and was actually an ender on the bottom side of a roll I had already unraveled :BangHead:(I would have taken...
  33. Just a little over a month in the game, and I hit the jackpot! (with story and pics)

    First of all, how would you react when you see something like this?: I went to one of the many banks in my home area the other day requesting a box of dimes. This was the first time I had requested so much coin from them, and they told me they would call me the following week to let me know...
  34. Always Practice Safe Detecting

    Always Practice Safe Detecting, You Never Know What You'll Find Went out today with my buddies, Hi-Ho-Silver and the Tone Ranger. We had a great time despite the near 100 degree weather. Found several good coins throughout the day. The dig included several interesting stories. A previous...
  35. Triple silver on Friday 13th!

    I was finally able to get out today for some tecting! The weather kept threatening to dump on me at any moment but it stayed dry. I was born on a Friday the 13th, so it has always been my lucky day and today was no exception.