
  1. Wrecks from Aztec & Inca looting periods

    Has there been much written about wrecks of the period of the looting of the treasures of the Aztecs in 1521 (fall of Tenochtitlan) and subsequently Inca in 1533 (execution of Atahualpa) and the immediate years following? My main interest is gold ornaments and jewelry hence my past posts re...
  2. Gold Aztec looking medallion

    I found this at a church rummage sale. Along with gold chain. The 18kt gold backing the ,, medallion is attached two is in fact 18kt gold. When tested by machine it showed between 14kt and 18kt gold. Im hoping for more info on the medallion. Thank you ahead of time for your help
  3. What is this ???

    Found this in a local river. Has strange matching marking all around it
  4. Help found at rivers edge from erosion, all copper. Serious find!

    I found in eroded Chattahoochee River by sr 166 .. The faces make me think bronze? They tink, no scratches done to it help aztec? S like clasps and bell looking things on one end.. Was it 2 peices? More pics soon
  5. grinding stone with ball

    found this in southwestern missouri. can any one tell me some history on what it might have been used as ? fond the ball with it.
  6. Found at flea market. Fake or real. What are they?

  7. Aztec-Aztalan- Cibola Discovery EVIDENCE ( The UNDENIABLE PROOF )


    I've had this for a couple of years now; I found it at a estate sale of a lady who was downsizing to be able to move into a condo because the house was too big after the death of her husband. Her husband had been a history professor who made numerous trips to Mexico & S. America for work & for...
  9. Pre Columbian Aztec/Mayan Necklace

    Hello and thank you for viewing! I was wondering if someone could put a price of this pre columbian necklace. My grandfather dug it up himself, along with many other items, and passed this down to me. I'm attending college and could use some money. So anything would help. The necklace is made of...
  10. Aztec Treasure!

    Hello! Here I have some peices from my grandfathers collection. I was told that they are Aztec, Pre-Columbian. If anyone could share more about these bells/rattles, rings, etc. it would be really appreciated. Also if you could appraise them, I would hate to sell but it might be necessary, thank...
  11. Pictish Artifact!!

    I believe what I have here is a pictish pebble made from quartz. There have been 19 similar stones found in the last 90 years and I believe all of them have been found in Europe. This one was found last year in the northeast United States. The picture with the multiple stones is from Painted...
  12. Just a bunch of garbage

    Well here are some interesting specimens that were found near an old colonial road. The road has long been gone and trees and bushes have since filled in. One day they cleared the land and this was found while metal detecting. First beep from what I hear?
  13. Aztec sun zodiac wall plaque

    I found this Aztec sun zodiac wall plaque thingy buried in my backyard in Miami with some scattered pennies from 1945 and 1946. It has a sterling steel hanger on the back to put it on walls and it weights 13 lbs. I have been looking online but did not find one identical to mine you have...
  14. Aztec jewlery/ nephilim stone carvings

    I stayed with family in mexico for a while and found out they owned part of a mountain that a aztec pyramid is on so after rain storms the family would go look for things and after generations of searching they have a good collection of things im sure no ones seen. They gave me 2 carved heads...
  15. On the Old Outlaw Trail.

    These images are on a location that is on or near one of the main old outlaw trails. Possibly Aztec location as well. Any info is appreciated.
  16. Aztec Gold

    Hello!! Did anyone find the aztec gold and what about curse! [Curse of the Aztec Gold] Like in pirates of the caribbean :skullflag: I mean if you watch the movie you'll know! and please don't hate me becase of that but i'm just asking! Is possible to live forever! To be cursed with that gold...
  17. Pendant : What kind?

    I found this pendant, on the beach, recently. The pendant measures 5" x 3". Can anyone tell me what type of stone this is and possibly who made it? Thanks, Becky
  18. Is it Aztec ? Or is it Mayan ?

    Was found in Mexico City 60 years ago . Passed down to me from my grandma . Is it real ? What does it mean ? How old could it be ?
  19. Family artifacts -- Mayan/Aztec?

    Hello, I am new to this forum and am looking for assistance in identifying a variety of artifacts. My family has collected indigenous artifacts and antiques for decades, mostly in the SW. I was recently informed that I will soon inherit a box of artifacts from an uncle who passed away many...
  20. Mayan or Aztec clay figures

    My grandparents traveled to Mexico quite often in the 60's and 70's,always picking up treasures along the way. These clay figures have been around since i can remember but i have no clue what they represent or if they are artifacts or replicas. If someone has even the slightest clue about them,i...
  21. Is this Incan, Aztec, or Mayan?

    Found this while cleaning out Mom's house, it's about four inches tall..... any help would be greatly appreciated
  22. Large Head with Sentry sculpture on top.

    I love the large heads I find. The sentry on top tells me there is something there.
  23. Aztec in the Superstitions - Found

    On July 12th, 2012... I made a substantial discovery, while looking for something else. I Have 100% Absolute Proof the Aztec/Mayan WERE in the Superstition Mountains!!! Please view my profile and follow my threads on the thread of the giantserpent. Thank You, Red John
  24. Miners Needle: Hillside Carvings, Symbols, Numerology by Aztec & Jesuit

    I have 100% absolute proof the Aztec was in the Superstition Mountains. I have contacted Arizona Museum of Natural History, The State of Arizona and The Department of the Interior. Hidden in Plain Sight. I stumbled acrossed it looking for something else. After it is Documented... The World WILL...
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