Check out what I found at a yard sale. The seller was planning to throw away all of the items at the end of the day, so everything was priced to sell ($1 per photo pack).
I knew that these packs had to be worth something based on their age and seeing Mickey Mantle staring back at me. What I...
Not a fan of baseball but I bought this poster for 50cents. It appears to be signed in pen "Bob Gibson, Cy Young & MVP, '68". I found the photo online but it is not signed. So, I can't tell if it is actually signed or printed with his autograph. Any comments?
I found a stack of 1800 era /Civil War publications filled with hundreds of first hand military accounts, stories, drawings, poems, slavery, advertisements etc. including Southern Bivouac with Gen Lee and Grant on front; also, New Eclectic, plus more. They are a great source of information...
Hi, I'm a new member and pretty excited to have found this website. I'm usually pretty good at finding out what things are and what they are worth but this one has me going in circles. I've found quotes ranging from $40.00 - $500.00. It's Clive Barkers Hellraiser book 1 copyright 1989, Epic...
This is one of my best new dumpster-dive finds. An autograph book circa 1939. Not sure if any of the signatures are famous people or not. It did also have an inserted folded up piece of paper with an autograph of 'Keystone the Magician'. Anyone know if this guy is even famous? I'm also selling...