
  1. US Assayers Got any recommendations?

    Hey guys. I'm looking for recommendations for assayers. Simple gold and silver assays. Prices keep rising and many places have minimum order requirements. Must have's: -Professional -Reliable -Print out report or email but has to be on a professional looking assay sheet -Under $48 I've used...
  2. Assayer

    Can anyone recommend a decent Assayer? I live in Montana. I am a newbie and have no plans to be a full time prospector, but do want to spend a fair amount of time in the field. I have found some promising looking quartz in an area I plan to work. It looks to me to have pyrite, copper, and...
  3. In search of historian...who was Antonio de Ergueta?

    I think I have come to the right place. I chuckle, because my father and I have had an interest in coins and stamps (his is much more than mine), and he has never told me the story of how the first "Erguetas" came to Bolivia until today. I have been trying to uncover the branches of the family...