arrow head

  1. First arrowhead find!

    I don’t know much about arrowheads so any info will be greatly appreciated, found in Missouri, near Meramec River on my friends property.
  2. Preble county ohio hopewell indian site

    Hi ive found an untouched indian camp in the past year ive found over 50 points 30 hammer stones one axe and one celt is there anyone that has experience in this??? I would love to get someone who knows what theyre doing so we can start moving some dirt.. this is my first year hunting and...
  3. Bird Point(s?)

    Hello, well we didn't get the rain they were predicting (they were talking possible flash flooding, i was kinda hoping for it to clear some of the top soil) but we still got some thankfully. I got out today (Feb 28th) anyway to give it a shot & was lucky to spot the Triangle BIRD?(NO INSITU...
  4. Do any of these arrowheada look like they’re of value?

    So over the years arrowheads have been found on our ranch and put in a case. I’m wondering if any look like they could be valuable. Sorry for the over population of items in the pics, we just haven’t organized them…yet.
  5. Cape Cod arrowhead

    A little over a year ago I was skipping rocks on a beach in the Cape when I picked this up. It laid right at the shore line and looked to be the perfect skipping rock but after getting a closer look I went over to show my uncle to see if he knew what it could be. When I got back to the cottage I...
  6. Help?

    Hello can anyone help me identify these? Found in Indiana Thanks
  7. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Native American Artifacts?

    Hey all! Just purchased these from a local auction and was hoping I could get some terminology on what these are and what they were used for. Still learning so any info is appreciated. Thanks!
  8. Carved Bone Relic?

    Can anyone help identify this? Its bone or ivory. Sharp at both ends. Had details etched into it. About 8.5". Could it be a primitive weapon or some kind of tool? Thanks
  9. Arrowheads and spear identification

    Hi I'm new to this treasure hunting and would love to know if what I think I'm finding is legit or not. These are all from our farm in NW Georgia. The longer ones on the bottom row I seem to find a lot of these and wondered what they are used for. Then the one by the fork also not sure if this...
  10. To be or not to be an arrowhead?

    hello! so to start off I'm pretty sure this is not an arrowhead, but here's the backstory. I was metal detecting in my family's back fields which our family has owned for over 150 years. my great grandparents always found arrow heads in the fields after they would plow them up for crops, this...
  11. Drawings or am I crazy?

    Maybe not crazy just hopeful, do these look like drawings or just a weird rock?
  12. Weird rock or arrow head?

    Hey guys I’m new here, these were found in central Kentucky just wondering if anyone knows if these are arrow heads or just rocks?
  13. Information inquiry on attached items.

    I was referred here from Reddit to see if anyone could give me any insight into these items. There seems to be a lot of interest in the bottom groove of the axe head and despite recognizing it's oddity, I never sought out information on the axe itself regarding it's use, era, tribe, and so on...
  14. Indian Tool ? Found on cape cod beach

    Found this on the beach. Looks like a tool fits my hand. Same beach the points were found on. Any comments greatly appreciated.
  15. Found on cape cod beach arrow head spear Indian artifact ?

    Just found this on the beach. It's bigger than the arrowheads I found last week.
  16. Cape Cod artifact Arrow head spear? Found on beach

    Just found this on the beach. Not sure if it's an arrowhead or spear. [ATTACH=CONFIG]1344156[/ATTACH
  17. Cape Cod Arrow Heads ? Indian artifacts?

    Found these while walking on the beach with my young son. I think they might be arrowheads? The other rocks seemed unusual not sure if they are Indian related. We went to the library and have been reading about Indian artifacts. Any information is greatly appreciated.
  18. ✅ SOLVED Are these arrowheads authentic or reproductions?

    I got these two arrowheads when I was younger and I am trying to sell them. Does anyone know if they are authentic or reproductions? If they are authentic do you have any information on them? (Age, region, tribe?)
  19. found some cool things...I think?

    Found all these items within about 10 yards of each other. Any help identifying would be appreciated.
  20. New to collecting,..but hooked! Spear head found ..possibly??

    Hi and thanks for looking. I snagged a good treasure I think, here in Fort Walton Beach, Fl. Roughly 7 inches or so long, and roughly 2 1/4 or so inches wide. Bought it from a flea market here, just curious now as to what it may be made of, the age, worth, etc.. I'm fascinated by it! Thanks...
  21. Few South carolina arrowheads

  22. Really Strange arrowhead- Iron

    My son got a really nice collection of flint points for Christmas from his grandfather. Among them was this iron point. It has a capital letter 'U' embossed on one side. I asked my dad where he found it and he said a neighbor in Western Colorado found it and gave it to him 70+ years ago. Has...
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