
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Old Anchor identification (16th century French settlement)

    Wondering if anyone can help identify this anchor. It was dragged up fishing 40-50 years ago in the area of St.Lunaire/Griquet , Newfoundland Canada , there have been discoveries of Vikings and French dating back to the 16th century . Trying to find out the origin of the anchor and its possible...
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Large anchor found

    Hey there everyone I found this anchor while diving the other day. I found this anchor in the middle of sand with no natural reef or bottom witching thousands of feet of it. I grew up treasuring hunting and shipwreck diving. So a couple of questions, any idea of what era it may be from? It’s...
  3. Help! Old anchor shipwreck?

    Hello,We have this old anchor pulled up in a fishing net off the south coast of England. Is there any way of telling how old it is or what type of boat it was used on? Thanks!
  4. Help dating anchor please!

    Hello, We have this old anchor pulled up in a fishing net off the south coast of England. Is there any way of telling how old it is or what type of boat it was used on? Thanks!
  5. Need help dating an anchor found in the Florida keys

    Hi everyone. I found this anchor in the Florida keys years ago and used a barage to lift it and take it home. Can anyone help me date it? It’s ridiculously heavy and you have to use a crane to move it. Approximately 14 feet from ring to end. Any help would be appreciated!
  6. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED *Unique anchor find ☺️

    Seeking help in figuring out the possible age of this anchor. It was found in yankeetown after snagging my fishing line ☺️ I just think it’s so neat !
  7. ✅ SOLVED Found This in a Field Near my House....What is it?

    Found this Yesterday in a field near my house 6 inches down, curious to what it is? has an anchor Symbol engraved into one side of it nothing else stands out....kinda looks like a pick-axe with the bottom rungs being flat and dull o one side and pointy on the other or an anchor possibly, it...
  8. Old ship anchor

    I got this anchor at a garage sale a couple years ago. I don't know much about it. The markings say "SF" and "5-43". Any help is greatly appreciated.
  9. Finding an antique kedge anchor in the Colorado River

    I found what i believe is an antique anchor in the Colorado River. My thought is that it is from about 150-170 years ago when the steamboat/paddle wheel barges were working up and down the river..... Any thoughts on dating this big boy would be very much appreciated... namaste
  10. Button Found

    Found in CT would like to know anything about it 2 Piece no back mark visible
  11. Trench art lamp

    I acquired this beauty at a second hand store, neat story read on..... I'm a treasure Hunter like to the thrift store environment and upon discovering a new treasure trove I hurried through the door. Immediately the shop owners mother and I struck up friendly conversation as I shopped around...
  12. Double Kedge anchor? Need help with technical identification and dating.

    Hey, newbie here. I found this old iron Kedge style anchor in the Bahamas while freed icing off of Chub Cat in about 20 feet of water. It is approximately two feet long and a foot wide. I think the two (Kedges?) ideally Swivel to form a grapnel shape, but I'll need to clean some more to be sure...
  13. Anchor Hocking date help

    HI, I found this bottle metal detecting. It's in an older, if not the oldest settled part of a suburb of Houston. I've dug several pieces of milk glass and plates from the 1930's. Also a token for the ghost town of Milvid and other items. I'm excited to keep digging items like this. Some of it...
  14. Anchor in Arizona

    Hello, New to the site but hoping to find some help. I purchased a home in Arizona and the previous owners had a bunch of nautical stuff including a large anchor in the back yard. I'm hoping someone could tell me more about this or maybe help come up with a sales price? I've included...
  15. Antique Anchor & Origin

    Hello, I picked up this anchor from an antique dealer in Mahone Bay Nova Scotia Canada and was wondering if anyone would know anything about it, i.e. age, origin, kind etc…Any help would be appreciated. [/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1198502
  16. Age & origin of Anchor

    Hello, I picked up this anchor from an antique dealer in Mahone Bay Nova Scotia Canada and was wondering if anyone would know anything about it, i.e. age, origin, kind etc…Any help would be appreciated. FullSizeRender 2.jpg (1.88 MB) FullSizeRender 3.jpg (1.17 MB) FullSizeRender 4.jpg (1.92...
  17. Looking for information/age on an old anchor

    This anchor came with my house. It was sitting in the yard and I guess the previous owner didn't want to lug a literal boat anchor with them. Its immensely heavy and I know its not a shipwreck, but this seems like the type of place to gather information on it. Attached are photos and a...
  18. 60# bronze anchor does anyone know about this anchor?

    Bronze anchor dont know make or history of anchor need help thank you
  19. Iron Preservation Question

    The condition of this anchor shackle has degraded considerably in the ~2 weeks its been out of the ocean. Whats the best way to preserve it? I am not opposed to a long term chemical treatment if that's the best way to go.
  20. ✅ SOLVED Star like thing, round thing with an anchor, casings, knife and etc.

    Found in the woods in East Texas. No history on the area. Detecting Private property with owner's consent. I would like to know what the star like thing and the anchor thing is forsure, but I love all information on anything I find. If you know anything about the eagle or the knife or any of it...
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