
  1. In the Meantime... for your viewing pleasure

    Cleaning specimens for undeniable visual evidence to be presented takes time. It seems one of my specimens is more crystal and has more sand-crete in it than I thought. So I made a short video too see if you can see... If you do see something, be sure and pause video and zoom in. Also, this...
  2. The Geological World Will Be Turned Upside Down...

    ... I'm here to tell ya. The Tree. The Tree is on just about every rock/crystal matrix specimen... The image is either on the face of the rock texture-wise (as in appearing to be carved), in the crystal pattern, or when light is shown through it and photographed with no light and...
  3. This deserves it's own thread...

    I recommend viewing on as large a screen as possible... now tell me what you see... if you zoom in on the face paint for the first head that faces left (bignose)... zoom in on the line of face paint that goes down from his eye through his cheek... that face paint is a white haired man wearing a...
  4. Slightly obsessed with rocks!

    Every last one of these rocks we're personally found and hauled home by myself.
  5. Snoopy, (aka: Snoop Dog) the American Pit Bull Terrier/Razor Back Pit Bull

    I once heard this qoute, "It's not a real dog unless it's a Pit Bull." I now understand why that statement was said. Pit Bull's are extraordinary and extremely intelligent. Snoopy pees on demand ( on you tube) and has done so since 8 weeks old. He know sit, stay, shake, shake the other(which...