
  1. Anchorage Museum among Alaskans combining to win auction for Alaska Railroad’s golden spike

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — The golden spike that was used to complete the Alaska Railroad over a century ago will be on permanent display in Alaska for the first time after entities combined to win an action for the 14-karat artifact Friday. The Anchorage Museum and the city of Nenana, with...
  2. Navy apologies for razing Native Alaskan community in late 1800s
  3. Round nodules in rock I can’t identify.

    Can you help me identify this rock with round balls inside? It was found in USA Alaska in a local rock quarry.
  4. Reflecting on rare treasures recovered from a volcanic cave in Northwest Alaska

    Kayak paddles and a spear tipped with a sharpened rock lie in a volcanic cave on the Seward Peninsula in 2010. (Photo by Ben Jones) Ben Jones suspected he had found something special when he squeezed into a volcanic cave and saw pale wooden poles, some with ends shaped like a willow leaf. When...
  5. SS Clara Nevada Shipwreck - anyone looking for the treasure?

    Hi all, I recently found out about the wreck of the SS Clara Nevada in Alaska in 1898. It's a really interesting and confounding mystery. Supposedly there was gold in the ship when it sunk. Has anyone here tried to find the wreck? Had any successes? Anyone have opinions about the wreck?
  6. ❎ SOLD Chlorargyrite - The Mineral Form of Silver Chloride Ore FOR SALE

    Note; This is not material suitable for simple crushing & panning due to heavy sulfides. If you aren't into refining at all, then it isn't probably for you. But message me for questions nonetheless. They do make for pretty stones anyway. I also can't get the picture uploader to work. You can...
  7. Trying to find out if this is a clay pipe piece

    I’m trying to find out if this is a clay pipe piece..I found it on the beach in Petersburg, Alaska and I am pretty sure it’s part of a pipe...I just have no clue what it’s made of or how old it might be...any info would be awesome!!
  8. Alaska: The Legend of the Sea Otter Rocks - 1896

    AFTER THE LOST SEA OTTER ROCKS. Capt. Harry Ohlemutz After Wealth In The Westward. It is an old story in Juneau and yet it is always new. Every fall when the sealers come in from the westward the bronzed faced old deepwater salts gather around the stove at slim [sic] Jim’s or the Flag of...
  9. Help me identify this bullet from Alaska

    My 12 yr old has taken up metal detecting lately and we found this bullet about 6-9" buried off an old Alaskan trail northwest of Palmer before Hatcher's Pass. It appears to be around a 44 or 45 maybe and 400 grain. He thinks it should go on eBay and is the find of the century :-) Anyone able to...
  10. Arctic shore nugget..

    Hello. Waterworn nugget. 5 oz according to produce scale at market..about 5'×4'. Dull grey.silver luster.very small shiny crystaline ssections on parts of the nnugget.found this along the north slope arctic shore Alaska. City of barrow. It has foreign rocks naturally in the grooves of the...
  11. Website to research Gold in Alaska

    I started out building this website to organize my links/research into something easier to work with than my endless bookmarks and saved links that I try to organize/reorganize every couple of months. I liked the idea of using the layout of a website with menus and categories. I also liked...
  12. Framed Rugged Metal Shape of Alaska with Etching - Artist ID?

    Well I kinda know what this is...obviously it is Alaska. But I have no clue what type of art category this falls into. And I have no idea who the artist is, although I can make out "MCO '90 or MEO '90" on the bottom right corner (pictured). Oh yea, forgot to mention this this is HEAVY! 13 lbs on...
  13. Alaska Dredging Trip Help

    Hi everyone, I'm stepping a bit out of my confort zone here and trying something new. I'm trying to plan a trip to Alaska and doing some gold dredging. I have dredged in the lower 48 but never been to Alaska. looking for some help on were to go to dredge, if anyone has a line on equipment...
  14. Any advice for a new gold prospector?

    Ok, so i live in illinois, bad news ik... Almost no gold in illinois, even worse, im only 17 and cant travel... But recently I've caught gold fever and the idea of finding gold thrills me, i purchased a pan online and a few bags of paydirt (i know there are some people who dont like the idea but...
  15. annrichduncan

    Hello. From Vermont, I've spent most of my "treasure hunting" time following my brother, who has a gold mine in Alaska and travels around the country looking for artifacts, semi-precious gem stones and, of course, gold. I recently had a great time at Doc's Rocks in North Carolina, where I found...
  16. New Member manVSgold

    Hi guys,i new around here and have been pointed here by a great miner, so I know this place must be great!Add me to your friends list and say hi.I love to mine and I spend my summers in the Alaska woods,mining for gold for 4-5 months.I am all over the internet to be found but these are the easy...
  17. Rare Century-Old $5 Alaska Bill to Be Auctioned

    Rare Century-Old $5 Alaska Bill to Be Auctioned - DailyFinance Don....
  18. please HELP ALASKA

    Hello pirates I need a little help. I am having a hard time finding any silver coins in Alaska. It seems like everywhere I go is only clad coins. If anyone is from Alaska And have better luck please help a fellow detector out and give tips about where you previously found these coins. Thank you...
  19. Ldradventures

    A great place to camp, prospect, hike , fish & view wildlife..... adventurous the moment you leave Nome! 30 min drive out of town and you come to a beautiful creek that leads to the Lost Dog Mine! enjoy funfilled days of activites and Salmon Bakes! ldradventures
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